Chapter 9: Into The Spider-Verse

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Here we finally are, the spider verse. So to explain some things first. Some of you would definitely feel that the story is moving too fast and I get it. It's definitely my own fault, when I wrote this thing I actually wanted both Gwens to be the same and that Peter to get transported with her but then I realized that would've been too long of a time to build up. If I could've redone this I would've started it at Spider-Verse, this chapter but by then I've already finished the first few chapters so regrettably I rushed things.

Consider this the start of the fanfic proper. And consider the previous chapters an origin story.


Alchemax Test Facility Under Fisk Tower

"I see multiple dimensions opening!" Fisk's scientist relays. "That was three, four, five separate dimensions! It's unstable, we should stop."

All around New York, people could feel reality being warped. They didn't know what it was, how do you rationally explain a heavily trafficked bridge suddenly engulfed in lighting like a glitch in a video game. It must be some sort of art piece right? However, Peter Parker(1610) wasn't there at the moment, currently he was under the crushing palm of the Green Goblin..

"Norm, what's your take on head trauma?" Seeing a piece of debris falling onto his opponent's head. Causing him to let go of Peter(1610). "Tried to warn you, Pal."

He swings to the center, trying to stop whatever experiment Fisk is trying to do. The Goblin is unrelenting unfortunately. Grabbing him with his legs he pushes Spider-Man down into the working Collider. Inter-dimensional particles quite literally going through Peter as he enters the center of it all.

"Sir! Something is happening, it's six now!" The scientist corrects. "Six separate dimensions!"

"Goblin, no!" Fisk bangs at the window. "Get him outta there!"

Peter opens his eyes seeing through the collision of dark particles. A beautiful web of bright colored strings intersecting each other.

"Wilson! Where are we?"
Something in darkness cried out. Peter could hear it all, in fact he could see. He felt a strange sensation overcome him, the machine was now reading him. He could an older version of himself, topless and with beer belly wondering what was going on. Another in a pink and white outfit, one who's world was in black and white, a brief glimpse of a Pig and what seems to be an Anime girl? The final one, in a torn green jacket floating through some sort of black void.

Before he could wonder further, it explodes. Sending everyone back with its powerful shockwave. Miles was there to witness it all, little did he know this would the final moments of his world's Spider-Man.


A Day Ago, Unspecified NY Alley

Peter(65) didn't know where he was at first. Limping through an alley, holding what's left of his possessions by a thread. Literally, besides his helmet that he was beside him when he woke up, his jacket and shirt were like ripped jeans. Speaking of leg wear, fortunately he wore something stretchy, no tears.

His head, it was aching. He remembers everything clearly but it felt like a long time since then. He couldn't muster up any feelings at all, did he spend the whole time grieving in that void? It certainly felt like it.

Next to a large dumpster there were piles of old furniture. One of them being an ornate mirror, hadn't had a chance to look at himself when he got here. Weird... he was older, how long has it been since then? Even a light stubble beard was there, barely visible from a distance but it certainly added to his appearance. What was he, 15-16? His hair though, it could definitely use a trim. Checked his pockets, jackpot, Daily Bugle money was still a plenty.

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