Chapter 7: It Is The Fate Of--

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Sorry for the late upload, I had to do a lot of thinking for this and I overslept, again. So oof

Still I'll try to keep up the daily uploads.


Gwen wasn't beside him when woke up. It was a quiet and cold morning for Peter at least his scales were gone. Uncle Ben and Aunt May were downstairs as per usual. It's as if whatever happened that night was just a dream. It wasn't though as confirmed by the TV while he was eating beans on toast.

"Last night at least two individuals broke into an Oscorp Warehouse, stealing highly unstable nuclear batteries..." Oh so that's what Greenie was after. "It is currently unclear as to why but we can confirm the identity of at least one of them, that being the known vigilante called Spider-Woman." Crap, they're pinning this on her too. "Earlier reports mentioned of a third masked accomplice, however the matter is still under investigation. In other news, a prison break was..." Peter turned his attention away from the TV.

"I swear, Pete. Sometimes the world feels like it's about to eat itself." Ain't that the truth.

Heading back up to his room, he checks if any of footage from last night was usable. In hindsight with how hot the investigation most of it might incriminate him. Regardless, maybe he can use some of the exterior shots he captured on the way in. "Who are you..." Pausing his footage when the Goblin was in frame. He'd swear if he ever finds him, he'll pay for what he did to Gwen.

After a quick shower, Peter grabbed his laptop and his yellow envelopes for physical copies that Jonah oh so loved. One of the things he bought with the Bugle's money was this digital to physical developing machine, it saved a lot of time. Speaking of time though, He arrived much later than he would've like. As to why, Eddie Brock, another freelance photographer would arrive around this time, this would usually start an argument would ensue between the two of them about who's shots are better and such.

"Peter there you are!" Jonah screams as Peter arrives late. "Get in here, I need to know who's shots to use before I pay below minimum wage."

"Little slow today huh, Peter?" Brock teased. "Let me guess, tucked yourself in a little too tight in bed?"

"Very funny, Brock." A tinge of anger can be heard there. Peter put down his laptop along with the envelope on Jameson's desk.

"Thank you, Parker." Robbie takes a look at the laptop while Jameson, the envelope. Although they're supposed to be impartial but they've developed a soft spot for Peter.

Brock's was much more in focus, steady shots of the aftermath once the police arrived. Peter however had shots of the chaos as it unfolded, wild but acceptable and on one of them, Spider-Woman clearly swinging inside the warehouse. This was a no brainer for Jameson.

"Looks like Parker wins again, Brock." A smile on his face. "Robbie, this one for the front page." He hands it off to his colleague.

"Wow, Parker." Eddie laughed. "You really have a knack for getting in the shit huh?" Trying to intimidate him it seems. "You know, I've been perched up in Hell's Kitchen for week with no clear shot of that vigilante but here you are with this..." Stepping on Peter's shoe.

Jameson sensed the tension in the room but he assumed Peter would walk away like he would always do, he's a good kid. He would've but his lately his emotions were rather wild.

"You know what Brock..." Peter rubs his nose. "Why don't you go, fuck yourself."

This stunned everyone present, Jameson too.

"Come on where's that Bravado?" Walks into Eddie, essentially shoving him. "Come on wanna take it, outside!?" Raising his voice.

"Parker!" Jonah gets his attention. "Both of you get out of my building now or I'll have security throw you out." Both immediately walk out with a scowl on their face.

"What do you think?" Robbie speculates.

"Peter's a good kid, probably some trouble at home." Jonah sips his coffee. "Or maybe he's just hit puberty."

Peter exited the building, an angry expression on his face. Probably for the best that Eddie didn't take him up on his offer.

"Wow..." A familiar voice from above as he fits through an alleyway. "That was something."

"You've been following me?" Peter asks.

"Yeah well, had to be on scene if you accidentally turned into a Lizard." She chuckled.

"Can I talk to you about something?" He asks, wanting to clear up the events of last night.

"Listen... why don't we head out for burgers. My treat." She offers. "Let's talk there."


It was quiet place, old school diner with retro styling. Gwen and Peter sat opposite of each others.

"So what was it?" Gwen munches down on her burger.

"Last night..." He swallows, would this be his confession?

"Peter..." She sighs. "I've been thinking about it too." Wiping her mouth with tissues. "I don't want to hurt you but there's no other way around it."

"No, no. It's fine, you can tell me." Assuring her.

"Last night wasn't what you thought it was..." She hangs her head. Peter's face, puzzled. "Harry told me about what he said to you..." Recalling what he said about Peter having to grow up. "What I have with him... I don't have it with you."

Peter wipes his face at this revelation. He didn't know what to feel. "I..."

"I don't love you, Peter." She admits. "I just want to protect you, keep us friends..." He sat in silence for a good minute, his mind going through many emotions. "Peter?"

"...I understand." A forced smile across his face. "I understand." He picks up his burger and eats in silence. Holding back his tears.

"I'll always be there for you, Me and Harry." She extended her hands, holding his wrist. "No matter what."

It wasn't the worst day of his life. Though like anyone else in his position he'd feel incredibly sad. It was in some ways necessary. He understood why and he will respect it, even though he doesn't agree.


"Send this to Parker's address, he forgot to take his on the way out." Giving a pay slip to one of his employees.

"How's this Jonah?" Robbie hands him their cover for the day's paper.

"Fine." Quickly handing it back. He taps his cigar onto his ashtray only to realize its overflown. "Jesus, I really smoke this much?"

"It's actually pretty conservative compared to your usual." Robbie cracks.

"Bite me." Simply throwing the cigar out of his window. Only for it to land back on his desk...


Hey guys sorry about the length of this, consider it a two part chapter, that will go along with the next one. I really want to get this to the spider verse arc as soon as possible cause I think Peter 65's "Origins" has ran its course.

Anyway, I'll be back quickly as I can.

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