Chapter 12: Trouble

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Hey guys sorry this one was so late but I had trouble in what I wanted to do with the story. Sorry if this chapter is mediocre cause halfway through it I was just on autopilot trying to move the plot forward.

Anyway enjoy this one. I'll be back with another on Sunday.


Gwen was coughing her lungs out. Benjamin by her side covering her. Last thing she could remember was being horribly choked out by Doc Ock before abruptly being let go.

"Ben, w-where's Miles?" She gathers herself. Ben didn't respond, simply staring of at a distant scuffle so did the others. She didn't know why until a piece of Lizard's stinger was tossed into her view. "What-."

A large humanoid like lizard, trying to claw away at the Scorpion only being held Doc Ock's tentacle. Tombstone tried to shoot the lizard but it has no effect. For Gwen this was almost like out of a nightmare. If she didn't know any better, she would think it's the same monster from 3 years ago.

"Where's Miles?" She snapped to Ben.

"I don't know, he's probably with Peter." Ben responds. "Come on. Let's stop this lizard guy before he eats Scorpion!"

They split into different groups, Noir taking on Tombstone, Peni and Porker pulling away Scorpion before their new friend can hurt him further while Gwen and Benjamin take Doc Ock out of the fight. For a team that only just met last night. They're already coordinating their efforts perfectly. Using their numbers to take each big bad out of the fight. Noir with his boxing style of fighting easily knocks out Tombstone. Gwen and Benjamin webbing up Doc Ock's arms before kicking her in the face together.

"Uh Guys a little help here!" Peni calls out to everyone. Dragging away the Scorpion as the Lizard gives chase. "Before he turns the scorpion in his chew toy!"

Gwen, Benjamin and Noir hop into action, holding back the lizard by its neck with webs. Before the Lizard could grab the webs with its claws to pull the spiders, Peni and Porker web it's hands and pulled them. The lizard is now trapped in the middle in between their webs with no way to crawl forward of backwards. Seizing the opportunity the Spider Gang runs clockwise trapping it in a sort of cocoon.

"Where the hell did this guy come from?" Noir in his stance.

"I don't know, I was too focused with Doc Ock." Benjamin states.

Little did they know, the lizard is already shedding it's skin. Literally, it's as if the lizard was like a deflated balloon or a costume with no one inside. Well, not no one as something or rather someone moves inside, finding his way out through the mouth of the deflated Lizard.

"Can someone help?" Peter says as he's halfway out of the mouth. "I'm kinda stuck."

"Wait what!?" Benjamin exclaims, the Spider Gang all having similar reactions as they help him out, surprisingly he was still clothed, his helmet still on.

"Woah that's new..." Wiping his jacket, it seemed as if now the lizard form grows over his body.

"Huh... that explains the sense." Noir smiles. "It was different with you."

"Not exactly the Spider Gang are we now?" Porker quips. "Still I'm kinda confused on how we can sense each other."

"It's actually pretty understandable." Peni steps in, bringing her nerd out. "Lizards are actually used to study threat-sensitive responses to predator chemical cues."

They were rather thrilled, patting him on the back. Gwen though, her fears were confirmed, covering her quivering mouth. All those internal memos, all the times she tried to reason with herself. Now there was no denying it, it was her Peter. The one who went through the same pain, humiliation, the envy that turned him into a monster.

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