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"According to sources, Turner Groups currently owns forty-five percent of the company of the famous millionaire Jason Hex. The investors closed the deal with Kenneth Turner in a secret meeting at the Plaza. There is no comment yet from Mr. Hex about the new board of directors, or whether the deal was planned with his participation. In the last fifty years, this is the largest such deal" Elena turned off the TV and looked at Jason, who was calmly drinking his coffee, reading a newspaper, leaning against the kitchen island.

"Did you know about that?" she asked and he looked up, nodding. "And you just agreed to make Kenneth Turner your partner?" her voice shook. Elena felt like she was going to pass out, her thoughts swirling around the possibility of Jason being around Bianca again. What did this partnership mean? "Bianca is suffering from the break-off of the engagement, she wants to be closer to me" calmness and indifference in his words put her on edge. So Jason finally regretted his decision to be with her and wanted to go back to Bianca.

Elena knew that day would come, as much as he claimed to love her, Elena was not on Jason's side and it was only a matter of time before he realized his mistake. "I see" she swallowed back tears and took off the diamond ring, placing it in front of Jason who lowered his eyebrows in confusion and walked towards the stairs. "Elena, what are you doing?" Jason turned and followed her, not forgetting to grab her ring from the counter.

He followed her into the bedroom, Elena went into the wardrobe, took out one of their large suitcases, opened it in the middle of the room and started piling clothes inside. "What are you doing kitty?" Jason stopped her by the shoulders and turned her towards him. "I'm packing, I'm not going to stand around and watch you go back to Bianca" Jason raised his eyebrows. "What are you talking about, for God's sake, I'm not going back to Bianca, how did you even come up with this idea?" Elena burst into tears and began to sob.

"You..you said that...she wants to be...around you" sniffled Elena and Jason smiled, pulling her into a hug. "My little jealous kitty" he kissed her head. "Bianca may want a lot of things, but she can't have me, kitten, not when I have you on my side" Elena looked up with huge wet eyes and Jason kissed her softly. "This is an attempt by the Turners to show superiority, it happens every day in the business world kitty, it's not something you should be scared of, much less leave me for a whore" Jason stepped back slightly, picked up her left hand and placed her engagement ring in its place.

"But she'll be in your office every day" Jason shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe something will get into her empty head and she'll realize that she's only humiliating herself by shoving herself into the arms of a man who wants nothing to do with her. Besides, you're my fiancee, the mother of my child , if that will calm you down, you can come and spend the day in the office with me" he smiled, cupping her face and wiping her cheeks with his thumbs.

"If so, why are you so calm?" Elena asked softly and Jason sighed. "Look, kitty" he pulled her over to the padded bench next to the suitcase, sat down and settled her on his lap, Elena wrapped her arms around his neck and Jason stroked her belly. "You're forgetting who I am Elena, I may be soft on you and the baby, but I'm not going to let father and daughter Turner ruin our lives. I'm not too happy about the actions of our investors, but now I'm only going to deal with one that's easier" Elena looked at him skeptically and he kissed the tip of her nose.

"I won't lie to you kitten, Bianca is trying to fit in with the company, kind of show me what I've lost and make me feel sorry and think" Elena gritted her teeth and looked away but Jason wouldn't let her leave of her doubts. "I love you kitty, I love you both, I never had feelings for Bianca" Elena shook her head and her eyes watered again. "But you slept with her" she whispered and Jason squeezed her lightly. "I've slept with many women, Elena, I'm no saint, but sex is one thing, what I feel for you is not because my dick feels at home while I fuck you" Elena blushed and Jason laughed.

"Do you doubt that I love you?" Jason looked slightly offended and Elena shook her head vigorously. "No...that's not what I said" she rasped and Jason grunted. "Then why did you try to return my engagement ring?" Elena bit her lip and lowered her hands into her lap. "You...you look so calm, I figured...that you knew I was a mistake and..." Jason growled and Elena looked up startled, he looked furious. "A mistake?" he gripped her thigh hard and Elena whimpered, cringing.

"I...I'm sorry, Jason, I didn't mean to..." he threw his hands up in the air, lifted her off his lap and stood up, turning his back on her, Jason clenched his fists and took a few breaths to quell his rage. "Look, Elena" he turned around, grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to speak calmly so as not to scare her. "You and the baby are not a mistake. We may not have planned it, but it happened and I am extremely happy with both of you. It took me a while to realize what I was feeling and learn to be the man I am today with you, but no other woman would have accomplished that, do you understand me?" Elena's bottom lip twitched and he caressed her cheek, running his thumb over her lips.

"I'm sorry Jason, I know my insecurities only get in the way" her body shuddered and Jason sighed. "Your insecurities are adorable kitten, it shows me that you don't take me for granted and you value what's between us, that you're afraid of losing me" Elena placed her hands on his chest and leaned her forehead as Jason grabbed the hair at the back of her neck and raised her face. "Let me tell you a secret, Elena. Do you know why I'm so jealous?" she shook her head and he sank into the gray wet lava of her gaze for a moment.

"Because I'm scared too, kitty" Elena gasped and Jason smiled slightly. "It's true, I go to work every day and I'm afraid that when I get home I won't find you here and it will turn out that I've been dreaming and I've finally woken up. I'm afraid that you'll realize, that you can't stand this possessive, obsessive, jealous monster that I am" Jason rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. "I'm afraid that one day you'll decide that you don't love me anymore and you'll let someone take you from me, and I can't breathe without you, Elena, I don't know when I became so dependent, but if you even think leave me, I swear, I'm going to freak out!" Elena giggled and Jason growled, sinking his lips into hers.

"Don't laugh kitten" he growled and Elena shook her head. "I'm sorry it's not funny and I love you for everything you say but Jason Hex obsessed with one woman is funny" Jason rolled his eyes and looked down at her belly "I'm obsessed with two women" he smirked and Elena huffed in annoyance. "It's a boy," she blurted out and Jason shrugged. "Say what you want, but my princess will be the second most beautiful in the world," he smirked and Elena raised an eyebrow.

"Second? Which one is first?" Jason grinned and shrugged. "Her mother of course" Jason replied arrogantly and kissed her hard. "You're crazy" Elena sighed and let Jason put his arms around her and gently rock her. "I'm crazy about you, kitten" she smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. "And besides, I'm late for work" Elena laughed and pulled away, taking a step back, she turned to the suitcase and sighed.

"I guess I've got work to do now too," Elena muttered, refining that she needed to put her clothes back on the shelves. Jason slid his hands under her huge belly and very lightly and gently, as Dr. Davis had shown him, lifted him up, and Elena leaned against his chest, sighing in relief at the partially lifted weight. "God, that's nice" Jason laughed lightly and kissed her temple.

"Just a little bit left, I can't wait to see our baby" Jason murmured in her ear and Elena wrinkled her nose. "Because you haven't watched the birth videos" she whimpered in horror and Jason burst out laughing. "I told you not to look at them, kitten" he shook his head and Elena rolled her eyes. "It's easy for you to say it, but I want to know what awaits me and I have to tell you that if it's the same, you will pay!" she hissed and Jason completely burst out, shaking with laughter.

"By the third birth you'll be used to it" Elena looked back and her eyes widened in horror. "The third?" Jason nodded and backed away to a safe distance. "First, kitty, I have no desire to cum anywhere but your throat or your hot cunt" Elena narrowed her eyes and the gray flashed warningly. "And second, you're so sexy pregnant that there's no chance you won't keep getting pregnant" his eyebrows shot up arrogantly and Elena gritted her teeth, walking towards him.

"Jason fucking Hex, if you think that..." Jason ran outside and Elena howled helplessly. "I love you too, kitty, see you tonight!" he called from the bedroom and Elena sighed, shaking her head as she heard the door slam behind him. "You fool" she cursed and turned to the suitcase, then looked down at her stomach, placing her hands on her waist. "Well baby, we can do it, can't we? Kill your daddy?" the baby seemed to answer her, kicking her hard in the bladder and Elena made a face, trudging to the bathroom.

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