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"Don't forget that at four we have a meeting with the organizing agency" Elena was balancing Christina in one hand and a plate of scrambled eggs in the other. "I wouldn't forget a date that would bring me closer to having you all mine, kitten" Jason tightened his tie, took Christina from her mother's arms and tossed her into the air, making the baby laugh out loud. "Don't, you know you scare me" she scolded him and ordered the breakfast.

"But my princess likes it" Jason sat in the high chair and placed Christina on the counter, making faces. Elena shook her head with a smile and poured him coffee. "Still, don't throw her around like that, she's our daughter, not a stuffed toy" she hugged him from behind, patting Christina's nose with her finger. "I love you" Jason lowered their daughter onto his knee and turned, pulling Elena between his legs and wrapping his free arm around her waist.

"I love you too, kitten, even more" he gently pressed his lips to hers and Elena leaned against his chest, allowing Christina to take two of her fingers and slide them into her mouth. "What's up my love are you okay?" Jason lowered his eyebrows as Elena let out a heavy sigh. Recently, Elena was not feeling particularly well, and six-month-old Christina required more and more time and attention. The time when Christina slept was getting shorter and shorter, Elena was almost constantly on her feet, separately she had to spend time organizing the wedding, as well as constant meetings in the office.

Kenneth and Bianca Turner constantly challenged Jason's decisions, necessitating vote after vote. Bianca grew bolder in her attempts to seduce and win back Jason, which also bothered Elena. And for the last ten days, she was very weak and had constant headaches. "I'm fine" Elena smiled slightly and looked up at him. "I was just thinking how lucky I am to have such an amazing husband-to-be and this little treasure" her eyes lit up with love and Jason couldn't help but kiss her again.

"Elena, did you take a test?" he asked suddenly and Elena frowned. "I told you I'm not pregnant, I'm just tired" she got out from between his legs and picked up Cristina placing her in the high chair and then went to the sink and started washing the used dishes. "There's nothing stopping you from making one and..." he was cut off by the bell. "I told you I'm not pregnant,Jason" Elena turned off the water and followed him to the door.

"Jason Hex?" Elena and Jason stared in surprise at the three uniformed men at their door. "Yes?" he stepped forward, pushing Elena behind him, his brows drooping. "How can I help you, officer?" he felt Elena cling to his jacket and slid a hand down her side for reassurance. "Please come with us Mr. Hex" an officer stepped forward and removed a pair of handcuffs from his belt. Jason looked at them, then looked back, making sure Christina didn't see what was going on.

"Why?" he returned his gaze to the officer. "Mr. Hex, you are under arrest on a charge of tax fraud of an especially large amount" Elena gasped in horror, hands over her mouth and tearfully watched as the officer asked Jason to turn his back and put his hands together behind his back. "Elena, call Evans" he hissed as the handcuffs snapped around his wrists. "Let's go" the officer grabbed Jason's elbow but he didn't move.

"Kitty, listen to me, call Evans, this is definitely a mistake, but I'm going to need a lawyer" the officer tried to pull him away again, but the larger Jason easily resisted. "That...yeah well, I'll be over as soon as I find a nanny for Christina and..." Jason smiled. "Mr. Hex!" the officer yanked him in exasperation and Jason gave him a murderous look. "Just a minute, for God's sake!" he barked and looked at Elena again.

"It's going to be okay kitten, Evans knows what to do, I'll be home before dinner" Elena nodded and threw herself on his neck, kissing him through her sobs. "Let's go Mr. Hex!" Jason kept looking at the terror in Elena's eyes as the police dragged him out. He whispered 'I love you' and she disappeared from his sight as they turned the corner down the hall.

Elena paced nervously back and forth in the office of Timothy Evans, one of Hex Corporation's top lawyers, while he spoke on the phone. Christina was under Beatrice's watch in Jason's office. Timothy Evans hung up the phone, leaned back and rubbed the base of his nose with a sigh. "What did they say, why was Jason arrested?" she eagerly pulled up a chair and sat across from his desk.

"Inland Revenue's head office has received documents from an anonymous source which prove that Mr Hex has tried to conceal income by justifying the money as charity or invoices for large purchases that were not made in order to save himself taxes" Elena gaped at him and her eyebrows sank. "But this is not true!" she jumped to her feet again, gritting her teeth.

"I'm aware Miss Vale, but the paperwork is enough to have him arrested and held for 72 hours. I'm going to go to court and talk to the DA about Mr. Hex getting bail, but according to the paperwork, it's millions, the tax services will not agree to a deal and will want an active sentence" Elena growled and stopped behind the chair she was sitting on, leaning on its back. "I'll bet the anonymous source is Turner" Evans hummed thoughtfully and narrowed his eyes.

"It wouldn't surprise me. Kenneth Turner isn't known as a fair player, especially after all he's done to get on the board of the Hex Corporation. He doesn't like to lose, especially to a lot younger than him" Evans leaned back on his desk and looked at her candidly. "Miss Vale, you need to prepare yourself for what's to come. If the documents are not proven to be fake, something I'm sure of, the media will try to crucify you as well as in court" Elena took a deep breath and nodded.

"I don't care about the media Mr. Evans, I want Jason home" she stood up to her full height and her gaze turned icy cold. "I will try, but I promise nothing, if Turner has decided to keep him in custody, it will be difficult to get him out of there" Elena smirked evilly. The Turners didn't know what they were getting into. It's one thing to play with the company, quite another to try to separate its family. And Elena wasn't going to let anyone come between her, Jason, and their daughter.

"Make sure Jason gets home Mr. Evans and I'll take care of Kenneth and Bianca Turner" Evans nodded and Elena walked out of his office pulling her phone out of her pocket. She fumbled and dialed a number, after the third ring, someone on the other end picked up. "I want to see you" was all she said before hanging up.

"She really is charming" Elena smiled at the dark haired man who was pinching Christina's cheeks. "And it looks like you" he added and Elena bit her lip. "Thanks for coming,Michael" he stood up and looked at her. "Tell me everything" Elena nodded and Michael sat across from her and she began to recount, from the time Jason started cheating on Bianca with her to this morning when he was arrested.

Michael Frost was a friend of Elena since school, their families were neighbors before Elena moved to the city center. Now Michael was a private detective, working mostly with the police, but also from time to time taking on some other private commission. They rarely saw each other, especially after she got together with Jason, because he was extremely jealous of Michael, even though he had no reason to be.

"Damn" Michael ran his fingers through his hair. "Tell me exactly what you want from me Elena? Just proof of Jason's innocence or something more?" Elena narrowed her eyes. She was tired of being the weak, nervous and insecure Elena, she had struggled with her own fears all her life and had begun to overcome them thanks to Jason. She wasn't going to let anyone, not even Kenneth and Bianca Turner, take that, this new confidence away from her.

Jason had always been so strong, so confident, even when he was arrested he still kept his composure and Elena knew it was for her sake so she wouldn't panic. It was time for her to thank him and prove that she was worthy of him, just as he had been proving himself for the past year and a half.

"I want it all Michael, not only to get Jason out, I want to ruin Turner!" she hissed and Michael smiled, raising an eyebrow. "I like this new,Elena" he nodded and got up. "Okay, I'm happy to do it, I'll call when I find something" he started towards the door and Elena followed him. "If you find out something new, call me, the same applies to me" Michael stopped with his hand on the lock of the front door and looked at her.

"You really love him, don't you?" Michael asked friendly and Elena smiled. "More than life itself" Elena replied firmly and Michael grinned. "Okay, so it's worth it" he winked at her and leaned down, kissing her forehead. "Once we get your Jason out, you owe me dinner, girl" he joked and Elena laughed a little. "Always,Michael" she hugged him and he left and Elena went back to Christina.

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