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"We need to hire a nanny, at least for the day" Jason ran his fingertips along her bare back. Elena shuddered and turned to him, clutching the pillow tighter. "Why would we do such a thing, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my daughter myself?" she pouted and he smiled, bent down and kissed her on the shoulder. "Put your claws away kitty, I'm not saying you can't, just that you won't have the chance" Elena raised an eyebrow, Jason moved closer to her, rubbing his hard cock against her thigh.

Elena raised her head and looked down in amazement, then looked up, meeting the fire in Jason's dark eyes. "Why...why shouldn't I have a...chance?" his lips moved further up her shoulder and he crossed a leg between hers, his hand slid up her other shoulder and to the side under her armpit, his chest pressing against her arm and the right half of her back. "You want to keep working, I guess?" he asked, Elena closed her eyes and moaned nodding and Jason spread her legs with his knee, positioning himself between her thighs, he shifted his weight to his hands, his lips continued their way up her neck and down between her shoulder blades.

"How will you balance your work, motherhood and pregnancy?" he rubbed his cock against her inner thighs and Elena's breathing quickened, she looked over her shoulder at him, Jason gritted his teeth, trying to keep himself from coming right now, but continuing the game. "I've been doing fine so far" Elena reminded him, her skin prickling and her hips moving slightly, her ass rising against him. "There's no denying it my love, I'm amazed at everything you do" he propped himself up on his left elbow and his right hand traced a line down her side, his fingers digging into her waist.

"Then...why do we need a...nanny" Elena curled her fingers under the pillow. Her insides melted and electricity buzzed somewhere deep, forming moisture between her thighs. They had already had sex three times, but her body seemed to obey the primal hunger in his of its own accord. "Your pregnancy is early babe, the real symptoms are just starting, besides my case, I'll be out of the office a lot" Jason buried his face in her hair, taking a deep breath and his hips thrust forward.

They both grunted at the same time. Jason was sure of one thing, if he died now, it would be the most beautiful death in the world. The feeling of Elena taking his cock like a silky wet glove wrapped around him, holding him in a perfectly shaped tunnel created solely for his pleasure was driving him crazy. He had never wanted a big family, one child yes, he needed an heir. But after Elena's pregnancy with Christina, after he felt and tasted her changing body, his imagination couldn't stop making pictures again and again, and he became obsessed with the idea of making her baby after baby.

"Jason!" Elena was moaning and squirming, his movements were too slow, Jason couldn't stop sinking into her, feeling her inner walls stretch to make room for him, feeling her hot wetness run over his tight cock and flow on his balls, making wet sounds even with his irritatingly slow movements. "I feel you amazing, kitten, you're so tight, so hot" Elena growled and arched against him. Jason smirked, his little kitten no less hungry for his cock than he was for her insanely sweet cunt.

"You like that don't you kitty?" he plunged in completely, rose a little more and Elena spread her legs wider to take him deeper. With Christina, Jason had refrained most of the time from thrusting deep into her womb because he was afraid he might hurt the baby if he was too rough and he needed time to learn how far he could go. Now that fear was gone and he knew exactly how deep he could feel the core of her pussy, exactly where the tip of his cock would rest to make her see stars.

Elena whimpered, the slow movements of his cock inside her were torture, tearing her apart, stitching her up, and then tearing her apart again. She just couldn't get enough, feel him enough, a week apart seemed to have awakened a hungry beast in her and she needed to feel his movements, as if to be sure that he was really here, that he was by her side. "More!" she cried imploringly, her eyes never leaving his, molten gray mercury sinking into the darkness of chocolate.

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