Part 5

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The girl looked around and realised she was stuck in between a single road that too between the forest completely unaware of the area , even the town was unknown to her

Without thinking much she started walking in the direction the car went in , cold wind made it more hard for her to calm her breath down not a single vehicle or human that she can ask help from

Unaware of the time soon she was surroundings by the darkness of the night , clutching her phone in her hands she turned the torche on and started walking again

"Walking won't help sister in law runn "
The voice made her still she looked in front of her a shiver ran down her spine there stood Rahul with a boy with him
"Meet my friend riyan" he smiled creepily
She felt scared
"Aunt s-sent you t-to pick me " she stuttered badly she knew that she's asking a stupid question ofc his intentions are not right but she tried to divert the topic

"Haha sure " she heard his laugh and his friend laughing alongside
Taking deep breath without thinking she turned around running at her full speed
"Catch her " she heard them running behind her
Quickly holding her phone she clicked on his contact
"Please pick it up Adhvik" she cried as she felt there footsteps near without thinking much she ran into the forest

"Please pick the phone god damn it " she cried but he didn't picked
Her heartbeat stopped as she felt someone grabbing her from behind
"Leave me " she screamed pushing them away
"She's here Rahul "
"Leave " she pushed the boy with full force his head hit the stone but she ran without looking back she ran on the road she could hear Rahul cursing at her from behind but she blocked those sounds and ran faster
Her breath calmed down as soon she spotted a crowded area
She stopped running wiping her sweat she looked back spotting no one
She closed he eyes letting her tears out she walked lifelessly on the foothpath in this unknown city everyone around her were staring at her weirdly

She cared less suddenly a car stopped beside her , she felt uneasy what if it's them again ?, without looking at it she started running , she can hear a voice calling her but everything felt deaf to her ears suddenly she felt the person grabbing her arm's
She screamed trying to get out of his hold

"VINAYA" the yell brought her back to the senses the person infront of her was none other than her husband
His face held shock she felt her eyes blurring and soon she fell unconscious
"Vinaya" she heard his worried voice


I was on my way back to the mansion my eyes landed on a familiar looking figure
"Is that vinaya" but what can she do here
My eyes fell on her hand which was wrapped in a bandage
It's surely her but what the fuck is she doing here alone at this time , i doubt she knows this place
Stopping the car beside her i got out of the car
I looked at her running away
i yelled but she kept running

Reaching near her i grabbed her arm's, she started screaming pushing me away
"VIANYA" i yelled and she finally looked up her face was stained in tears her hairs were all over her face
I saw her eyes closing she fell limp in my arms
"Hey " i patted her cheeks she was burning , pickup her up i took her towards the car placing her in the car

I drove towards the hospital , stealing quick glances at her , she looked tired and worn out , how the fuck did she reached this place its probably 20km away from home

Time skips at the hospital
"The burn is really bad mr sah , looks like it wasn't treatment immediately" i looked at her hand when the doctor removed the bandage

Author's pov
He sat near her gazing her hand painfully
"This might have hurted a lot " he mumbled looking at the doctor
"Did she fainted from pain " he asked blowing air on her hand
"No i quess she probably fainted from shock or a anxiety attack , you are a respected man mr sah i hope this isn't a case of domestic violence "
Adhvik looked at her face sternly before answering
"I don't raise hands on women i hope you know that m-

"I know mr sah at your home i mean -

"Wake her up I'll check the rest myself " Adhvik said as the doctor gulped looking around
"I'm afraid she's not waking anytime soon "
Adhvik calmed his breath nodding at the doctor
"You can wait outside mr-
"Am i disturbing her " he asked back to the doctor
"No b-
"Then leave doctor you are disturbing us "
Without further arguing the doctor went outside while he sat there holding caressing her fingers his gaze shifted from her hand to face each time he felt a moment
Realisation hit him hard it's already been a month they are married , he never even looked at her closely, he never listened to her properly
He never cared to ask if she's okay adjusting at this new place
He treated her like he was the only one who was forced to this marriage forgetting she was forced too

His face hardened he felt angry on himself he stood up walking towards the glass window he looked at the moon
The moon for him that's his maa watching him
Flashback hit him hard


A small boy walked outside his room searching for his parents it was thundering and raining heavily
His eyes landed on his parents who stood in the rain smiling at each other
It was hard for a small boy to understand but he knew they were being happy
His father would always make sure his mother never get hurt

End of flashback

His attension was diverted to the little voice
"Carefully" he ran towards her
Vinaya was shocked from his sudden act she snatched her hand away from his hold

"How did you reached there ? Huh " she smiled hearing him
"Why is mr sah suddenly worried about me isn't mr sah aware that how careless i am well i just walked and walked and reached there " she laughed on her own words

Adhvik caged her face between his hands softly
"Tell me I'll listen everything " he requested softly
Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him treating her so carefully and politely no one had ever talked to her this way

"Tell me vinaya whatever you want to say scream it , yell it just hit me as much as you want "
She cried more listing to him
"You'll trust " she questioned being unsure
What if he blamed her again
"I will trust you okay tell me everything from that day to today "
He asked her reality hit her
After ignoring and blaming her for a month today he wants her to trust him she tilted her head removing his hands from her face
"She brought her face closed to his ears
"What if I don't , will you find it on your own "

- to be continued
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