Happy place

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Author's perspective

"It's been a week Adhvik you should go on your work i have aunt anne for me "

"But I'm the boss i can stay here forever"
"Why do you need to you can play with Anaya after coming from your office too she's not going anywhere" Vinaya chukled hitting his shoulders in process

"What if she went somewhere" his question made her smile drop
She looked at him shaking her head she caressed his face

"I went to market dad left , i was busy playing mom left , i was in the hospital that day with jansu you planned to leave me tooo "

"I did cause it was your fault I agree you were angry and don't forget people just speak truth when they are angry "

"No they don't that's just  a myth people don't speak truth when they are angry , anger just blocks their power of thinking what's wrong and right have you ever imagined what if you would have left , for once you thought about me"??

She smiled at him
"You still have your sister but have you thought if i would have left that day i was alone , with no one "

He stayed silent looking at her teary eyes he immediately went straight hugging her tightly
"I know " his one whisper and she broke down into sobs
"Please don't cry vinaya "
And suddenly Anaya's cries filled the room
"Adhvik looked at his little daughter immediately carrying her in his arms he swang  her and her cries immediately died he placed her in his wife's lap

"Look this isn't right you both always get a chance to cry and i always pamper you that's wrong "

These lines might be funny and simple to people but she could feel the love and warmth men always carve for no matter how tough and bold they pretend to be sometimes a hug is all they need  to break  down

"Don't worry when Anaya turns 5 she'll hug her dad daily and also pamper him with kisses" she giggled
Adhvik smiled caressing his babygirl's  face

"Ofc she will i hope she turns just like you "

"Why not like her dad smart intelligent and a buisness women " Vinaya stated proudly  but he shook his head
"People will make you strong and intelligent but i want her to be bold like you if someone ever tries to bully her she'll just land a punch on them "smash "
He laughed at his words and Vinaya too smiled but

"I don't want her to get bullied yes it does changes you but no one in imagine what the person went through, i can still feel there words repeating in my head people bullied me to a point where i couldn't look into the mirror i isolated myself i would cry for hours, yes i hate my parents but my mother would look at me while I would cty she would slap me hit me ask me to ignore everything and be happy but i couldn't bullying not only makes the victim suffer , there family suffers along"

Adhvik stayed silent only if he could find those people who made her this , this much insecure"
But right now he just smiled at her

"I still want her to be you , your exact copy"
"No more tears princessesa, we have our happy place with us "

"Princessesa huh? ! You said I've lost that tag"

"You will never you were my only princessesa and till last you'll be the only one , yes my baby can be my Princess though"

Vinaya looked around trying to find something sharp

"YOU THINK I'M SOME FOOL Both means the same

"Don't go on the meanings vinaya think about my feelings"

"Pick your feelings and leave for the office right noww " she yelled throwing books at him

"Look Anaya your mother "LOOK " "WAKE UP BABYGIRL"

"Don't shout "
And suddenly her crying started
If look's could kill Adhvik was dead by now

"By vinaya I'm going to office "

With that he left while she stated breastfeeding her daughter smiling at their little moments

"I'm so happy for you'll " her eyes went to miss anne who came upstairs hearing the shootings

"Bless you " she kissed her forehead

To be continued

Please don't again and again comment about the mistakes telling you'll for the 10th time I'll check and re write everything once my book is complete

Thanks for liking my book it's already 120k views and 9k votes i can't believe I just started this book without thinking that people will read it or not but a lot of people loved it
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