His other side

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160k !! I love you'll so much muah !

Author's perspective

"I'll take her on a round in the village you both can sit on the stairs if you want to " the old lady smiled sweetly at the his grandson and his wife but her smile dropped hearing his next word's

"No you won't"
Vinaya looked at Adhvik in shock for the first time she heard a harsh tone of his
The next minute he took his babygirl from her hands keeping her close to his chest

"No one will take my family away from me not even for a second" came his hard voice
The old lady's eye's were filled with tears as she looked at Vinaya with a small smile

"Adhvik why are you"

"You bought me here i appreciate i don't hate her but I don't love ber enough to trust her with my family "

Vinaya was taken aback from his words
"Call me rude but she was not their when we needed her the most now when I've forgotten everything I don't want to start it over again you can live here with your family I'll go back live with mine "
With that he walked back towards the car vinaya following him behind
No one said a word , the whole ride was silent

"I jus-
"Doesn't matters Vinaya I'm happy is alive and is having good food to eat , let's just forget"

She nodded understanding his perspective
"Adhvik" Vinaya suddenly screamed as she heard gun shots behind their car

She looked through the mirror only to find a car following them
"Take anaya and move to the back seat " Adhvik said calmly

"Who are they a-

"Just don't fucking ask questions everything just go back and lie down!

Vinaya couldn't help but flitch at his rough demanding voice
Without looking at him she moved towards the back securing her daughter in her arms

In no moment the car stopped infront of their car she heard Adhvik curse under his breath

What she saw next shocked her , she saw rahul getting out from the car
Her eyes shifted to Adhvik who just took out his revolver from the side

Her eyes widened in fear
"ADHVIK just turn the car don't step out j-

Without listing to her he went outside

Rahul laughed as he saw Adhvik walking towards him

"Just you brother!? Where is my ex fiance wait wait sorry your wife and your little an-

"Don't fucking speak"

"I'm so afraid, come on we're a family i just want to meet my niece"

"I told you to stay away from my family"
"And i told you to take my mother's case back ! "

Adhvik chuckled
"You think everything is a joke , make me "

"Suddenly he walked towards the car bringing his old Grandma out of the car
"I'll kill her "
Another chuckle left Adhvik's mouth

"You think everyone is a fool like you the moment she talked about taking my daughter on a walk i knew it all "

"Now without wasting my time leave"
"I won't not before i seperate you from your family

Before rahul could speak something else a bullet was fired right near his leg

While Vinaya suddenly opened her eyes hearing the gunshot
Without thinking much she rushed outside

"ADHVIK"  she screamed in fear

"Here they are " said Rahul

"Vinaya i told you not to come out ARE YOU FUCKING MAD! GET INSIDE THE CAR "

"Not so soon brother " he said pointing the gun at vinaya

Before he could pull the trigger a bullet was fired right in his stomach
"A horrifying scream left vinaya's mouth as she looked at the scene in front, Rahul fell on the road screaming in pain she looked at her husband who's shirt was covered in Rahul's blood

Adhvik without looking back walked towards vinaya
"Let's go " he said
"Vinaya looked at him in shock"

"You killed her Adhvik you freaking killed someone!!" She screamed at him
Adhvik closed his eyes without saying anything he held vinaya slightly pushing her inside the car in hurry

"Look what your husband did ,you are not getting over with this " screamed the old women screamed coughing with every word

"The police will be here anytime " she screamed again
Adhvik started driving the car ignoring the screams
Vinaya's couldn't help but look at him with tears in her eyes is he the same person she loves

Adhvik felt her eyes on him he looked back at her

"You killed him " she whispered with sobs Adhvik closed his eyes

"So you wanted him to kill you ky daughter my family what else could I've done ,they all killed my parents without a reason snatched everything from me my childhood my Teenage my dream's now they wanted to take my only family away from me why are you making me feel like a criminal " he screamed

"I'm afraid Adhvik she said we are not getting over this the police will find you they'll take you away from us "

"No one has the guts to take me away from my family "

To be continued

"Hmm new side on Adhvik unlocking "
"A men in love won't Destroy himself for his family he'll destroy the world for his family"

"Cringe but riyal ! "

The wife he never cared about Where stories live. Discover now