He caught her

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Author's perspective

In the hospital*

"She's doing fine for now it was not a major stroke but you still need to take care of him well don't let her stress or it will increase her blood pressure and a situation like this can occur again and I'm not sure well be able to save her "

Adhvik felt his muscles relax , he smiled in relief
"When can we take her back "
"After a week some tests are left to be done "
Adhvik nodded

"She's currently sleeping you can meet her in the morning"

Adhvik nodded and finally decided to go home
Throughout the ride he was practicing what to say how to start the conversation

His perspective
How can i say those mean words to her when she's the only person i have in my life , I'm so sorry vinaya
His eyes landed on the small boy selling roses
"Can i take these all " he asked the boy smiled in return
Handling him all the flowers, Adhvik gave him a 500 in return

He kept the flower's on the side seat and smiled even more it's not just a apologize but it's he's first time gifting her something?
She'll be happy right, she loved red she'll love these roses

Soon he reached the mansion basically running towards their room with a bunch of flowers in his hands he called her name
"Vinaya "
Getting ready no response he entered the room
"Vinaya " ?!
He felt his heart dropping as he saw the empty room
"V-vinaya " he stuttered this time
His eyes landed on the half open cupboards
He rushed there
The flowers dropped from his hands as he looked at the empty , he shook his head before rushing to other rooms of the mansion

"Vinaya "? He yelled finally after searching for an hour he stood in the hallway all alone , a tear left his eyes , running his hands in his hairs he dialled her number

"Pick up vinaya "
But she never did
He went outside and got in his car
In a corner of his heart he was scared that she left her but
His whole mind was focused on her security

He drove in fast speed , asking ever person in the way but no-one saw her?
"Where are you vinaya "

He dialled his phone
"Track this number"

"Near the bus stop , "

He turned his car and went straight towards the bus stop

Which was quite not many people were their
He started searching for her
"Vinaya "
He was continuously yelling and running like a maniac

Her pov
I walked towards the bus station
"Any bus for Jaipur? , I asked the guard there
"It's in the morning 8 am "
I looked at my watch its 1 am now , just 7 hour's
I walked towards the benches and sat there , will he try to search for me ?
My dumb mind questioned me
"Why would he it's not like he's alone now he has his sister with him too , not like he'll die without me "

Soon she heard her phone ringing
She picked it and saw the call "Adhvik " her heart clenched as she stopped herself from answering the call
The phone ranged 10 times but she kept it away and scooted
In the corner trying not to look at the phone

And the rings stopped and her cries too
She drifted her eyes towards the other people present there
Families, couples
No ones alone
She thought abd smiled at herself, unique enough

*Vinaya " her eyes widen as sbe heard his voice
No it can't be
"Vinaya "
Her heartbeat fastened
As much as she wanted him to find her and engulf her in his arms , she's afraid what if he again pushed her out of his life no she's won't let that happen
She took her suitcase and stood behind a bus

Author's pov
Adhvik reached the sitting area his eyes scanned every bench there his eyes stopped as he found a familer phone
He ran there his eyes shined with hope he looked around and that's when he saw a shadow behind a bus
And he knew it
He clenched his fists
"Is she hiding from me "
He walked towards the bus in anger and yanked her towards him
His anger vanished as he looked at her tear stained face with her eyes closed tightly
He left her hand and she finally opened her eyes

"Why are you here " she asked roughly
"How can you think to leave me " he questioned back
She chuckled
"You asked me to Adhvik sah "

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