I hate you

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Belgium urf welcome

Author's perspective
Waiting for someone to return from work or a business trip can't be depressive or frustrating, people at work not picking your calls is not a big problem cause they might be busy you should accept it instead of getting tensed ? Right we should untill the person at their work is the only person you have in your life and you have zero trust on your destiny that's what she felt right now
No matter how much she wanted to keep herself calm she can't atlast they only thing she can think of is him
"It's been 25 days she has last seen him and 5 day's he had picked her call their's no information of hm from his co workers"
How can she calm her self

Here she is sitting in her room her hands carefully placed on her stomach while she looked at the empty wall , trying her best not to cry

"He called!?" She asked the elderly women who just entered the room with her dinner

"Not yet "

"You'll know what the funny thing was he called her caretaker and asked her to feed her "

Her perspective

"Is he angry with me!?" I asked mrs ana but she just shook her head wrapping her hands around my shoulders

"He isn't angry with you sweetheart he can never be "

"How are you so sure "

" I used to work here 5 years tooo he grew up in ky arms i know he's not angry with you he loves you a lot "

"Then why isn't he calling or picking my call is it that hard please ask him to call me I won't talk just a missed call would be enough"  her words broke in the end tears left her tired eye's

"Don't cry Vinaya  have something for that little baby inside of you ? It's not a big deal it's just a buisness trip he can be busy too right?

Vinaya lowered her head,nodding at mrs Anna's words she ate her food quietly
Mrs anna caressed her head before walking out of the room
Tears once again filled her eyes she wanted to scream at her and tell her how much of a big deal it is for her
"Not a big deal " she mimicked wiping her tears

His perspective
On the call
"She asked if you are angry with her "
A smile formed on his lips while listening to mrs Anna's words
"I hope you didn't told her everything?"

"I didn't but please call her she's always crying your going to tell her everything tomorrow that why not right now !? It's not like your actually in turkey", she chuckled as I huffed in response

"Not today, please Take care of her and yourself"

"I wanted to tell you something else too Adhvik"

"What is it aunt" 

"Anyways leave it"
She cut the call leaving Adhvik in pure confusion he looked at the phone for some minutes before placing it aside

He smiled looking at her picture on his wallpaper

"For someone like me who never had someone waiting or worrying for them to return back home you don't know what your making me feel , I wish i could just run to you and suprise you but some more hours won't hurt right? Cause the fruit of wait is always the sweetest

The next morning
Authors perspective

Vinaya woke up feeling nauseous she walked towards the kitchen
"Mrs anna" she called
"Mrs anna"
Her eyes wandered everywhere she could be but she was nowhere to be found
Her heart felt heavy all of a sudden being all alone in this big mansion she felt scared
She walked outside the mansion and the sight infront of her stunned her
"He stood there smiling with mrs anna besides him "

She stopped in her tracks
We all know she just wants to run in his arms and give him thousands of kisses but she stopped herself and stood there silently and looked at mrs anna

"C-can i have some lemon tea I'm f-feeling nausea"

She saw mrs Anna's smile drop a little but she still modded and walked back inside the house to prepare a tea for her

But to her suprise his smile never left his face she turned herself around and started walking back inside the mansion only to be pulled by his rough hands

She looked at him silently trying to free herself from his hold but all her attempts were failed while he giggled at her tries
She shook her , tears of frustration left her eyes making his giggles stop all of a sudden, a worried face of him that's all that could be seen

"What happened princessesa did it"

"Stop with this princessesa please" she screamed at him

"Why were you not picking my calls ? You had time to call Mrs anna but you can't answer my calls?

"Are you jealous of Mrs anna pl-

"Shut up I'm not joking"

"I was worried okay ! You can't even imagine how sacred i was when you didn't answered my calls and there was no information from your co workers
I was scared Adhvik sah!"

He immediately pulled her in his arms securing her tightly
"I know i know you were worried bu I didn't knew you w-were

"I'm s-sorry" he whispered kissing her forehead

" I was back two day's before yesterday that's the reason I didn't p-

She looked up at him shocked before pushing him away
"Then why didn't you informed me ?? You could've just, leave it Adhvik just go Away!! I hate you I just hate you so much Adhvik!

She screamed at him but immediately closed her eyes trying to relax herself
Can she just yell that she's pregnant!
She was dying to tell this to him but here she's getting surprises

"Do you know how i felt huh i was just calling you again and again just to tell you that i-im pregnant but you were busy in your surprises!!

He moved closer to her
"Your pregnant"

To be continued

"What do you think is adhvik's suprise

Once again
I don't have time to recheck and correct I'll do it once I'll complete the book

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