The track of time

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Small chapter alert
It's been 7 months already can you'll believe time went hy like soft winds but they are stil sitting in the same room with each other's arm around them

His hands caressing her now visible beautiful belly
And she's smiling looking at him can things be more perfect for them ??

She can't believe she's having her own family a husband who loves her more than anything

"She won't kick !?" He suddenly ask her
She giggled shaking her head
"He might be sleeping"
"It's a" her" vinaya how many times i told you"

She smacked his head
"It's a boy "
"Okay don't fight with me we'll get to know after a month" she told him straightforward

He nodded pouting at her
"Can we go out" she suddenly asked
"Where "
"Just walk down the streets with me"
"It's not safe in this time I'll take you for a drive in the car come on "

Soon they both were in the car , he was driving the car while she enjoyed the wind

"Yes "
"Why didn't we met earlier"
He chuckled
"It's better we didn't if i would have gotten happiness before i would have never worked hard  ,i wouldn't have seen that side of the world"

"This baby, our baby she's not just a baby for me it's the most precious gift for me the childhood i could never live , the teenage i went through whatever happened I'll never let her see that side of the world away from everything just lot's of love and happiness that's what she'll see and feel around her "

Vinaya had tears in her eyes she wiped them from the back of her hand her eyes watched tears slide down from his eyes
She took her dupatta wiping his tears away

"Just happiness and love " she whispered hugging his arms tightly

"Carefully Adhvik!!"
She yelled as she saw a small child crossing the road
He quickly guided his foot towards the break
They both got out running towards the child

"Are you okay " she questioned looking at the 6-7 year old child but he jerked away from them
"Fine , fine " he whispered shaking his hands infront of them

She suddenly caught his hands which were burnt a little

Their eyes scanned him bruises everywhere
"Let u-us take you to hospital" Adhvik said picking him up

"Where are your parents child " she asked the little boy teared up
"No parent's" he said looking around in embarrassment Adhvik felt himself stiffen, vinaya held his shoulders caressing them

"W-hat is your name baby "
"No name " he said again embarrassed of himself

Vinaya closed her eyes not asking more questions she shifted her face back to the front a unusual silence in the car

Soon they reached the hospital 

They both looked at the doctor bandaging the little boy
"Ahh " a small painful scream left vinaya's mouth all of a sudden

"What happened vinaya"

"It's hurting all of a sudden" she suttered

"Doctor" he yelled carefully taking her towards the doctor

"Take her to the ot"
The doctor with some other nurses took her inside

Adhvik felt his heart stopping as he looked at her teary face

Not so long a nurse came out
"Please fill the formalities mr sah "

"What happened"

"The heartbeats of the baby are suddenly slow " 

To be continued

Ik these chapters are short and maybe many mistakes too but I'll correct and recheck everything when I'll complete this book

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