Part 10

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Author's pov

"Re-marry me , i can't live with someone who shares relationship with me"
H stepped back looking at her with his jaw clenched
"You can't force me vinaya "
"I will "
Her stupid attitude was having the best of him at that moment can't she be polite for a moment?
"I was here to help you vinaya and -

"I never asked you to help me i agree that i was hurt and you did consoled me but that doesn't mean I'll have to start living with you and one day when you'll be having a bad day you'll too push me out or hurt me like everyone else "
At a point he understood her pov she was right, he's no saint he'll surely hurt her with his attitude

"But marrying is not a only solution vinaya we can live as stranger's you can pay me back whenever you start ear-

"I can pay back to a landlord too , after i start earning i can pay whoever i live with , why should it be you, why should i take help from my ex husband? agree or not Adhvik sah you did injustice to me too just like my parents you are too a Cruel person , who pushed me away after his work was done though our marrige was forced or whatever but everything deserves a change "

"Why are you so desperate to marry me and be in my life " he finally yelled having enough of her , why blaming him when everything happened in a mutual way

"Nothing was mutual in our relationship mr Adhvik let me remind you for those 2 mouths you were busy and out of the house but i was there ,i had to accept a stranger's house as mine i had to cook for them clean for them , i had to make my mind that i am someone's wife , i was the one who waited for you till midnight's cause i thought of you as my husband i was emotionally attached to you adhvik BUT YOU WERE FUCKINGGG NOT , NOT MY FAULT "

She yelled at last finally she let it all out but she's not wrong though in a marriage is a mutual relationship the women has to leave her everything behind and adjust with new people she had to change her everything but men are the same as before and afters maybe that's why its easy for them to walk out of the marriage and never think about it

She was breathing heavily while he stood there as a statue maybe , look! maybe he was in guilt or maybe not you can't quess cause his neutral expression screamed emptiness

"Leave " she finally told
"I'm not here to leave , sit in the car " his straightforwarness irritated her more

"Why are you so stubborn i said leave "

"I'm not asking you Vinaya "
"I wi-

Before she could even complete her sentence, she was harshly dragged was him
Her wrist was tightly held in his hands
"Don't manhandle me-
"What else do you want me to do huh? have a cat fight with you in the middle of the town, I'm not a women vinaya "

"Then leave my hand and behave like a gentelmen Adhvik, she greeted her teeth
"I never said I'm a gentelmen "
He pushed her inside tightening her seat belt forcefully he walked in the driver's seat
She didn't argued and sat there quietly tears made there way to her cheeks but she held down her sobs looking towards the window
He had his hands steel tight around the steering wheel, he could hear her heavy breath as she was trying to control her sobs , her whole body was shivering
"Stop fuckinggg crying" he yelled out of anger only to regret the next minute as he saw her rubbing her eyes harshly
No that's not what he wanted, he wanted her to stop crying not because he was irritated but he felt bad unknowingly it hurted him seeing her tear stained face this hurted him

He held her hand making her flich
"I'm sorry" he hesitated a little
"Don't cry they don't deserve your tears" she smiled looking at him
"The same way i don't deserve your cruelty"
Her statment made him angry , not a single moment when she hesitates or think before speaking

"Then let's end my cruelty you wanted me to marry you first then let's do it I'll marry you and take my cruelty to end "
His one statement shocked Vinaya
She said those words to trigger him so that he would leave her alone but is he really going to marry her !?

He looked towards the window she could feel his eyes on her
he smirked knowing her intentions very well
All her bravery was set aside as she shook her head
"T-thats not how i ment , y-you can't marry me l-like that "

"What do you mean , a moment ago you wanted -

"I changed my mind "

"I'm not a fool vinaya stop with this stupidity you and me are somewhere same we both don't have the love of our parents"

"Sorry to say , but your parents are dead you barely had expectations mine are alive , it's better to be a orphan than actually letting them hurt you every second just because they are your parents"

"You'll never understands what parents mean to me "
His eyes turned cold once again, it's hurts how she everytime talks about her dead parents with no respect just because her parents are bad

"Same way you'll never understands what parents mean to me your parents loved you mine hates me they cared for you while mine never did we both are not in the same situation you are a orphan and I'm a abounded daughter who was pushed away by her parents cause she was never good enough according to them

He stayed silent his mind was stuck on one word


"I'm not a orphan I have my parents with me , they are watching me from up there "
He pointed at the sky a lonely tear escaped his eyes
Vinaya realised looking down i shame, he was just trying to help

She hurted him once again
She looked at his face , his full focus was now on the road above but his eyes were filled with tears
Her heart clenched at the sight seeing a man that she claims to like had tears in his eyes and the reason was her
What was his fault? That she spat such cruel words at him all out of anger and frustation from her life experiences

"A-adhvik " she whispered in a low voice afraid of his out burst but little did she knew her her whispres were inaudible to his ears
The only thing he could hear and think was


That he has no one with him he's alone all alone in this world

She saw the hurt in his eyes, tears filled her eyes once again

- to be continued

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