Part 14

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This chapter is for all of them who feel like they are imperfect or can't match the stupid standards of this society

Adhvik's perspective

"Look at me princessesa"
She turned around slightly smiling at me ,
"Closer" she came a little forward and i turned her around her back was facing me now
"W-what are you doing ad-adhvik " my breath might be creating a tingling sensation in her ears as i spoke i chuckled before blowing into her ears
"Don't" she laughed trying to move away but i held her tightly

"What made you think I'm ashamed of you "
I saw her laughter dying as she sat straight
"No reason" she whispered
"Don't lie to me vinaya"
I caressed her hairs softly making a bun out of them

"I'm not perfect" her word's made me chuckle
"Whenever i used to go to school people would always call me name's, fat shame me although i wasn't a obese they still would and the fact that i never cared untill i grew up and realised how a human's nature doens't matters no matter how good your heart is or how sweet you are at the end the so called perfects win they would comment about my skin colour and all i thought maybe you are the same someone who prefers perfect too"

"I do prefer perfect and you are my perfect,trust me vinaya there are no standards these are just diplomats they make standards and when people try to fit these standards they call them fake , and you don't need to be perfect for these type of illiterate people's, as long as a person feels confident and more importantly if you feel happy in your own height, weight, skin colour you are just so perfect "

"I understand Adhvik theses all things don't matter but they start mattering when you are constantly bullied or asked about them , my relatives used to ask me to study not because they wanted me successful but because I'm not beautiful that's why i need to study hard " her words broke into sobs as she wiped her tears harshly
I turned her around and hugged her , her head was on my chest as she took deep breaths

" Everything is bullshit Princess you can't be beautiful for everyone you just need to be beautiful for yourself , you have a healthy pair of eyes , a nose to breathe two perfectly working ears what else do we need to be perfect , imagine about those who are blind or can't listen they are also living happily in this world so why can't we !? Accept it or not a face can never be beautiful it's always the heart the face is just attraction"

"Tell me when you meet a person for the first time who find them beautiful but what if you spend some days with them and they don't turn out a nice person i bet, no matter how much you look at them you'll not find them beautiful"

She nodded her arms circling around my waist as i looked at her little smile
"I wish i met you earlier" she said smiling from her eyes
"If i would have meet you in my teens i wouldn't have ruined my happiness cause of some people "

"No then how would i have met a strong vinaya, these foolish people teach us a lot "
She laughed patting my head
"This was funny "
"Not more than your teary face "
I immediately shut my mouth as i saw her death glare
"Leave "
"I'm sorry "
"I said leave me "
"I won't " i smiled holding her in a not so tight hold

"Will you ever cry on this topic again " i asked sternly
"I'll not i never do but we need to remember the foolish people's in our life in order to not to meet them again "

"Tell me about yourself " she asked all of a sudden
"What do wanna know about me "
"Anything that i don't know?"

"My sister "
She immediately sat up
"You have a sister??"
"Jansu "
"Isn't she Rahul's sister "
"No she's my sister, when mom and dad were gone aunty and uncle took the responsibility of jansu she was just 3 while i was 12 year's old i went away in the search of job and when i came back , jansu long forgot about me for her aunt , uncle and rahul were her family and i was just a cousin "
A small tear escaped my eyes as i remembered the past time
Vinaya bought her hand closer wiping my tears away

"Did you told her later like when she grew old?"

"I never got a a change to when I tried to aunt said she's to small to understand moreover she was happy thinking they are her family she was feeling complete unlike me and when she was 20 i tried to tell but aunt stopped me cause she had a weak her stress ,.or sudden shock can raise her blood pressure and th-at can "
I stopped myself from letting those words out i can't imagine losing her i can accept to be called as a cousin

"It's okay Adhvik atleast she's infront of you all happy and healthy what else can matter?
I nodded nothing else matters

"Will she ever accept me vinaya , whenever she gets to know the truth"

"Ofc she will why won't she ? I don't think she'll be even suprised cause she had seen talking care of her , she would feel happy that you cared so much about her well being"

My smile widened at her response, she surely will

I looked at vinaya again
"I feel so happy to have you in my life , my life feels complete "

"Cheesey enough"
"Whatever you say "

"You love jansu a lot , don't you"

"More than myself"
I smiled it might feel so blessed to have a brother

"It's a blessing to have me as your husband don't you think!?

"Vise versa "

To be continued

"I hope you all are doing good,stay healthy, happy, hydrated and take care"

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