His fear

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Author's pov
Adhvik was on his way to his house the smile never left his face , he looked at the pic of his wife and daughter on the screen giggling a little
From the morning it's the 68th time he's looking at them though his wallpaper

Soon he reached his home
Before stepping in he smiled looking around
The same house which was just a hotel for him working whole day and night coming here just to bath and fill his stomach that's what life was
But now this is his home his happy place he can't help but imagine his little princessesa running around soon
"Time passes quickly when you have a baby" they say

He shook his head heading inside
"Vinayaaaaa " he sang playing with his car keys

Suddenly he felt a unknown silence , only the halls light was turned on
"Vinaya" he called walking upstairs
But all he could see was dark

He held his hands together stopping them from shaking out of anxiety

"No " he whispered trying to call her with his mobile but it went off

An hour he spent searching every corner  of the mansion but no-one was there

Suddenly he went inside his room sitting on the bed he calmed his breath
Instead of panicking sometimes you need to be calm
He sat there not letting any negative thought enter his mind
She'll never ever leave her , she'll never go away from her

"Adhvik" a voice intrupted in the mansion
He smiled  a little and immediately went downstairs

Vinaya's pov

She looked at him walking downstairs with a large smile on his face she couldn't help but roam her eyes on him
His messy hairs rolled up sleeves
And suddenly he hugged her tightly and carefully

They hugged a lot of time but today it's different she's feeling a unknown protection and possession in his hug
His one hand is tightly on the back of her neck while the other is busy caressing Anaya
"What happened adhvik " she asked

"Don't go anywhere without informing me did you get it " he broke the hug tapping her cheeks softly
That's when vinaya noticed his wet cheeks

She carefully placed Anaya in her crib
Running in his arms
10 minutes passed and they are still in each other's arms
"I'm sorry i didn't wanted to make you worry"

"I know i know but next time just give me a missed call I'll understand"

"Sorry " she again said her voice shaking due to her sobs
He chuckled wiping her tears
"I made you worried i just wanted to prank you , so i described to come late"

"It's okay shhh " He said patting her back softly
She couldn't help but look deep into his eyes
All she could see was love
"How can i be so lucky to have you in my life " she thought
Before she could say another word's
His lips landed on hers

His perspective
He held her hands tightly with his , all he wants is too just love her whole day and night but more than that he wants to have her hands wrapped around his waist and hug her forever

He moved his lips on her slowly
"Stop" she whispered as she stopped his actions his lips still touching hers while they talked to each other whispering to each other
He felt her body melting In his hands
"You seem tired ", he whispered while she nodded

Let me take you to the room
She suddenly moved backwards
"N-no Adhvik I'm was already heavy and now I'm basically double of that you'll prob-

She couldn't complete as he held her in his arms walking outside

"Don't make me losse my temper  " he said

She smiled hiding her face in his chest
He placed her on the bed

"WE HAVE A DAUGHTER ". Both yelled together
"Wait I'll bring Anaya you lay down your weak"

He brought anaya and layed besides Vinaya carefully placing the smol baby in his arms

"She's such a sleepy head " he pouted
"I waited for the whole day to talk to you and here you are sleeping "
Vinaya chukled hitting his shoulders

"But it's okay we still have your mamma I'll be the happiest to play with her while your sleeping
"Shut up and sleep "
Vinaya said throwing a pillow on his face

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow" she said smiling at him


To be continued

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