Part 8

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"it was nice to meet you miss Vinaya"

"You'll um be alone now ? " She questioned making him smile
"No I'm not alone I have someone whom i love and can live my love life with that"
His word's hurt her a little , so he'll never love her , he loves someone else and will marry her after their divorce what a fool she was to fell for a person who loves someone else

"I should have predicted that from his behaviour" she thought before a voice intrupted her inner voice
"On the earth vinaya"she smiled hearing her name from his mouth

"Have a happy life ahead i hope she gives you a lot of love cause you deserve it" she saw his face scrunching in confusion before a small chukle left his mouth

"I don't love a women" he chuckled more
"What i actually love is my work and i can surely live my whole life with it , but i will pray for the boy whome you'll love hope he'll be able to handle your anger issues"
Whole time he was laughing and smiling
One month she started feeling something towards him she couldn't help herself but how come he didn't

"You won't miss me once i leave " he asked hoping a little attraction
"No why would i I'm getting my bed back after a year I'll be happy"
These words held playful ness for him , he was cracking some jokes to lighten the atmosphere to make things less complicated
But it hurted her deep whole month he had to sleep on a couch because of her why would he miss her ??

"I'll go and pick my suitcase"
"It's okay I'll drop you maybe we can together explain your parents"

"N-no I'll just book a cab "
"Are you sure "
"Hm "

Time skips
She was sitting in the cab all the way to her hometown Jaipur from delhi she felt weird what if her parents threw her out her guys feeling said they would but she still expects mercy from them maybe they won't

Adhvik sat alone in the big mansion sipping on his beer while sitting on his bed he laughed looking at the family picture
His eyes drifted to the empty bed unknowingly he pictured her there how she would be sleeping peacefully whole night
The mirror reminded him of her
Early in the morning he would wake up from the voice of her ankles and the first thing he would see was her face in the mirror

"Little angry bird" he chuckle remembering there small cat fights
But why was he thinking about her ??
She was just a random girl who came and left , isn't it
That is what he is continuously telling his mind from the moment she signed the divorce papers

"She'll be happy without someone else, who'll love her unlike me " he thought before walking towards the cabinet to change his clothes
"His eyes fell on a file "
"Important document"
How can she forget her important things here

"I shall go and return her "
And not even thinking a minute he took his car
"This is important" he reminded his heart
But the voice said something else
He wanted to be near her , to look at her , to hear some yelling from her

Meanwhile Vinaya safely reached her house
She stood infront of the big castle like house for a moment she felt she couldn't breath , calming herself down she rang the bell
And suprisingly her mom opened the door
"Vinaya her face held a smile "
"You came to meet u-
She stopped in between looking at her suitcase her mother gulped before closing the door behind her
"Vinaya leave just go anywhere or go back there just don't come inside if your father saw you with a su-

"Stop it mom "
" I am divorced i came to my house back and your asking me to go back how can you be this Cruel mom how ??
Vinaya cried looking around helplessly

"What are you doing here " there eye went to the person on the door
He was non other than her father
"I AM DIVORCED AND I CAME BACK TO MY HOUSE" vinaya yelled on the top of her lungs
What type of parents are they
"What did you do huh ?? Did you misbehaved huh you little i told you to stay in your limits, did you not satisfy you hu-

"Enough dad , look at me for once don't you feel pity that your daughter is starting at your doorstep with a burnt hand and a suitcase , "
She looked at her parents both stood in silence she could see her mother's helplessness
She looked at her father who stood with cold eyes
"Mom are you sure he is my father i m-
"Slap "
Her face was turned to left when a hard hand collided with jer face , she felt the metallic taste on her lips

"Truth hurts i quess" she challenged him more
"Vinaya don't"
"You brat " he held her neck choking her

"Leave her please" she heard her mother cry
"Come o-on cry m-more mom t-thats what you do when someone is trying to k-

She was pushed back harshly leave and never come back "
"Gaurds throw her out "
Her father ordered
The gaurds looked at the girl with sadness
"What are you both wating for " he yelled
"The gaurd bend down
"Get up Sweety please"
She looked at the gaurd with teary eyes and stood up without looking back she walked out

She stood outside the main gate looking at her parents on the doorway
"Don't bring a child into this world if you can't love them "
She whispered picking her suitcase she looked at the gaurds the same old men fron her childhood
One came near her patting her head
"I'll drop you at my house" he offered
"It's okay kaka (uncle) I'll just umm get a hotel room
"You got a job" he questioned in excitement
"How can she tell she was not allowed to go for her interview"

She just nodded at the old man
"Meri mehnati bachi , dekhna ye log bachtayenge "
( My intelligent daughter trust me they wil regret)
She nodded and walked away

While Adhvik was on his way to return her documents to her
Will they meet ?
What do you think will happen now ?

To be continued
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