Part 15

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Author's perspective

It has already been a week Vinaya and Adhvik were living the best days of their lives as far

Vinaya felt like the most luckiest girl in the world and on the other hand
No-one can understand the emotions that Adhvik felt , he felt all of this was a dream he found his love , someone with whome is not afraid to share his emotions, he can share his whole day stories with her his days and nights went smiling and laughing at their cute moments and most importantly he's making her feel loved not a moment she spares to remind him that how happy they are to have each other in their lives

"My princessesa" he whispered looking at her sleeping face
his mind goy diverted to the voices outside, he stood up from the bed and walked downstairs his she shined in suprise
"Jansu " he asked with a smile
"Jansu " another voice came Adhvik looked back to find vinaya coming downstairs, he turned his attension back to jansu
"You didn't infro-
."shut upp just stup up Adhvik how can you act so normal after doing everything , my parents gave you a place to live after your parents died they treated you like their own son and you threw them behind the bars just because of this bitch!!"

"Mind your language j-jansun" he stuttered a little he felt his heart tightning whenever she referred to their aunt uncle as her own parents it hurted but today its hurting more than ever
"Can i just tell her everything right now engulf her in my arms wipe her tears tell her how cruel those people are you she is referring to as her parents" he thought but he can't he can't take this risk

"Why it's hurts when i call her bad names , it didn't hurted you when you sent my paralysized father to jail , you didn't feel ashamed?

Jansu was continuously yelling but nothing was affecting Adhvik he was more concentrated on her heavy breathing

"Calm down jansu , they hurted vinaya -

"So for this women you stood against everyone!? , you claim to love me more than anything right?? Then you never thought what will happen to me after putting my whole family behind the bars you didn't felt pity for me " jansu broke down thinking about her life without them

"Don't cry jansu " Adhvik rushed to hug her but the hug didn't lasted much as a loud slap was Heard
Vinaya gasped running towards Adhvik
"A-adhvik are you okay " she whispered as she looked at jansu with soft eyes

"Please jansu he don't deserves any of this "

"Actually you are right he doesn't deserves this you deserve this slap more than him"
"Jansu raised her hand but her hands were held down by Adhvik
He softly held her hands
"Hit me as much you want jansu, please calm down "

"You are asking me to calm down ? I will bring my family here right infront of me , take them out of the jail "

"I can't jansu rahul tired to burn and molestrate vaniya , anut-

"Okay so it was her only, you don't feel shame putting these fake accusations on my brother , you did it just because he didn't marry you !? Am i right just for your revenge you-

"Shut up jansu we are listing to you just because we love you don't cross your limits "
Vinaya had her blood boiling by now , she can't help but look at Adhvik his cheerful eyes were back to emotionless she can't afford his hurt and pain he doesn't deserves any of it

"Wow you love us ?? This man who has no one in this world claims to love someone "
"Mr Adhvik do you know what love actually is !?
Jansu laughed at him , Adhvik just stood there listing to everything she said , she was not to be blamed he can't blame her

Vinaya had enough she can't bear it , her patience level is not like Adhvik

"It looks like you don't know what love is cause if you knew you would never blame my Adhvik here "

Adhvik shook his head telling vinaya not to but she had no intention to listen

"He is your brother your real brother! Did you get it in your mind those p
"Stop vinaya " Adhvik warned
"Why should i Adhvik this disrespectful child should -

Adhvik didn't let her complete he dragged vinaya upstairs but that didn't stopped her

"Try to remember jansu who loved you and if you can't let me tell you adhvik loved you , he always protected you from your cunning aunt and uncle , those are not your parents he lied to you just that you can get the love of parents and family, he-

Jansu was silent she looked at adhvik's back she can tell Vinaya is not lying what , Adhvik did loved and spoiled her more than anyone in this house , but everything was too much for a 20 year old to understand she stood back , her hands holding the dinner table for support
Is this all real , is Adhvik her real brother , did he gave up on his sister for her happiness and she just balmed him and said those hurtful words to him

"Jansu felt her heart tightning, she could feel her breath racing, tears spilled down her cheeks she couldn't take all of it
"B-bhai " came her whisper
Adhvik immediately left vinaya running towards his sister
"Jansu " he softly said
"I-im s-sorry " he heard her whisper
"Shh don't speak anything calm your breathing , everything's okay , jansu is good okay "

Adhvik panicked looking at jansu who was on the verge of getting unconscious
"Vinaya help me " he yelled
And both of them took her to the hospital
"Vinaya was still trying to process everything is this the reason

"What the fuck are you thinking try talking to her press her heart a little "

Adhvik's sudden yell brought her back to the reality
She panicked a little
Soon they reached the hospital vinaya felt herself sobbing as she looked at jansu and then at Adhvik who had his face in tears

"It's a emergency doctor" came his broken voice

Soon the doctor took jansu to the ot

Adhvik sat down sobbing to himself
Vinaya stood beside him
She held his shoulders
"Everything was going fine , i would have lived listing to them but y-ou "

"What are you saying a-adhvik

"Yes Everything is going to be okay thanks to you " vinaya closed her eyes knowing its her fault soon she was pressed against the nearest wall

"How many times did I warned you to stop to keep quite did you listened ??

"I'm sorry Adhvik i-

"Sorry is never a answer vinaya "
"Leave "
"Just leave and never come back "

"My life was so simple until you came "
"I would have lived according to them "

"Your in anger a-adhvik your not in you sences
"But you were in your senses right than how could you, you didn't see her how weak she was, how she was breathing?? Not even once you looked at her State??

"A-adhvik "
"Leave "
He pushed her with a yank

To be continued

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