chapter sixteen - "Beauty"

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Tommys POV

I wouldn't say everything has being perfect, Adam and I still have our days where we just argue and end up avoiding each other. All the recent events have put a massive weight on to our relationship so yes, it's no surprise that we fight. We are both beyond frustrated, neither of us know when Sauli will strike next.

The sun blared through the cracks of the curtains, Waking me up from my peaceful sleep. Groaning, I rolled over to check what time it was. 7am!? Groaning again, I ended up getting out of bed and straight to the shower finding no reason to stay in bed. Besides the beautiful man occupying the other half of my bed but I figured a shower would clear my mind.

Once I was finished in the shower, I dried myself and threw on a pair of boxers. Exiting the bathroom and I made my way back over to the bed, climbing into its warmth and cuddling into Adams side. He must've being awake because I felt his arm snake around my waist pulling me in closer.

"Good morning" He yawned, smiling down at me.

"Morning" I whispered back, trying to cuddle closer into Adam.

"Someone's in a good mood" He chuckled.

I leaned up, resting my head on my head, still lying on my side, admiring this mans beauty. Even in the morning he looks like a model.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled.

"Because you're usually always in a shitty mood" He chuckled.

Really? He thinks I'm always angry? How nice.

I sat up even more, looking down at him. "Well I'm sorry that I'm always paranoid" I said, moving into a sitting position with my legs crossed and my hands in my lap.

"Why are you paranoid?" He asked with a concerned look, folding his arm behind his head.

"Because I don't know when Sauli is going to strike us again, like, what if next time he does it will completely shatter everything?" I said.

"Baby, even if he does do something I'm never going to leave you" He replied, reassurance in his voice.

I looked him with a serious look before speaking. "I'm not talking about you leaving me, what I mean is- what if we can't find any reason to stay together?"

"I know a reason" He said quietly, looking away.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"We love each other- well I love you at least" He replied, still looking away.

I didn't know what to say, I'm 98 percent sure I do. The other 2 percent? That would be the doubt I have. I've convinced myself that I do but its hard to love someone who has a bad habit of cheating.

"Yeah, we do" I spoke quietly, not finding the proper words to use.

Adam sat up and circled his arms around my face, burying his head in the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickled my neck and I let out a soft chuckle. I gasped when I felt his lips connect with my neck.

"Adam" I groaned. "Not now"

I pulled Adams head up with my hands cupping his cheeks and looked at him in the eyes. I still can not get over how beautiful he is. I placed a sweet kiss on his lips, lingering for a few seconds before pulling back.

"Later" I winked. Adam replied with a soft hum in agreement. "But now, you got take a shower. You stink" I said, scrunching up my nose as a joke.

"Thanks!" He said with sarcasm, climbing out of the bed and walking out of the room to his own shower, I'm guessing.


It was later in the day and Adam had to go out to run some errands whilst I stayed at home, I could've gone out with him but I didn't feel bothered to leave the house so instead I'm curled up on the couch watching a movie with a beer in my hand. I don't usually drink during the day, I just needed to feel the buzz to distract my mind from everything that is going on. Don't judge me.

A couple of hours later, about 8pm, Adam still had not returned home. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried, he should've being back hours ago. I grabbed my phone from off the coffee table and called Adam.

No answer.

I tried ringing him again but gave up after the 4th attempt. I decided to shrug is off, maybe he got caught up.

Once I was changed and ready for bed, that was when I heard the front door open, I peaked out my door and saw a very obvious drunk Adam stumbling up the stairs. Rolling my eyes, I exited my room and jogged over to Adam, wrapping my arm around his waist to help him up the stairs.

"And where were you?" I questioned him.

"Finished. Decided to grab a drink" He slurred out, his eyes starting to get droopy.

"You mean a lot of a drinks" I said under my breath, still trying to haul him up the stairs. "Your room or mine?" I asked him.

"Mine" He mumbled.

When we reached his room, I pulled the covers back on his bed. I pushed him onto it, so he was able to lie down but not before his hands gripped my waist, pulling me down along with him, I landed right on top of him.

"This is comfortable" He smiled.

I took advantage of this position and laid my head on his chest, while my hands went behind his back, like a hug. I smiled to myself when I felt Adams arms tighten around me. It made me feel safe.

"I'm sorry I wasn't home earlier" I heard Adam say. By the tone of his voice I could tell he was sobering up fast.

"It's okay" I replied.

"I wasn't having a good day today to be honest, I couldn't stop thinking and it felt like my mind was going at a million miles per hour, I needed something to rewind" I didn't miss the slight crack in voice when he was speaking. I looked up to peak at his face and my heart physically ached at the display before me. Adams eyes were shut tightly, looking like he was trying to hold in tears.

"Hey, don't cry" I whispered, moving my self up so my face was inline with his, one of my hands stroking his cheek. Adam opened his eyes and I saw the tears begin to fall.

"It's just so hard! I can't do anything right! I can't even hold a relationship without fucking it up" he exclaimed, avoiding eye contact. "No matter what I do everything always turns to shit" He whimpered.

"This isn't your fault baby" I whispered. "but right now, I'm here with you, in your arms" I continued, gently kissing his lips. "and I love you" I finished, saying the last part quietly.

A small smile graced his face.

"Please, don't ever leave me" He said, pain lacing his voice.

"Never" I said, kissing away his tears.

For a split second, I believed everything will be okay.

I hope.

A/N I felt that you beautiful people deserved some cute moments between Adam and Tommy, I hope you enjoyed this little filler chappy. don't forget to vote and comment! And ugh I'm obsessing over another lonely night! I can't get over how much the 'yeah sounds like a moo :') okay I'm going now bye

- smolderhalder xx

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