chapter eleven - "determination"

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omg another chapter within a week!? y'all's should bloody love me right now aha jk but really I just felt like writting some more, enjoy!

Adams POV

"Sauli? I need your help"

"Okay, what for?" He replied, drawing out the okay.

"Trying to get Tommy back, I have a plan but like I said, I need your help. Reckon you could come over?" I asked.

"Whatever, I'll be there in twenty" He said, immediately hanging up as soon as he finished his sentence. He didn't sound like he was bothered to come and to be honest, I'm surprise he actually said yes to it.

I've gone over the plan thousands of times in my head since I thought of it, to make sure it was bullet proof and that Tommy wouldn't be able to resist it. Then again, if he does resist it, I'm definitely done for.

As Sauli said, he was here in exactly twenty minutes, the accuracy of it scared me a little bit.

"Ugh, thankyou for coming" I sighed in relief, before pulling Sauli into a hug. A friendly one, geez.

I never knew where I stood with Sauli, I know for a fact I don't love him anymore but I'll admit I still have visible feelings for him, just not enough to have an affect on me. One minute we're breaking up, to being awkward, then to being friends and a fling and now my mind is just blank of if we are still friends or more like acquaintances.

"Sure, let's get down to business, shall we?" He spoke and pulled away from my hug, pushing past me heading towards the sofa before throwing himself onto the couch. If there's one thing I envy about Sauli, it's that he doesn't give a shit about anything when it comes to visiting someone's house. He acts as if he owns the place. Quite hilarious, actually.

"This plan may sound stupid or useless, anyway! I need you to go to Tommy's apartment and talk to him, try to convince him that what we did was a mistake and it meant nothing" I explained to him.

I didn't get a reply from him, just a look that was saying 'seriously?'

"Look, I'm not going to do that. It may have meant nothing to you but it meant something to me, so if you want Tommy back then you're on your own with this one" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll do anything, just please help me" I begged.

"Anything?" He questioned.

"Yes!" I groaned.

"Alright. Kiss me. Then I might consider helping you"

Wait what did he say?! I was more expecting lunch or something, not to be asked to kiss him. Right now, I'm desperate and I'd do whatever it takes to get Tommy back even it means kissing Sauli to get his help.

"You swear on it?" Sauli nodded and I sighed, walking towards the couch and sitting next to him.

I turned towards him and cupped his cheek placing a peck on lips then pulling away.

"Seriously? I said a kiss not a one second peck" He stated.

Groaning again, I collided my lips with his creating a rough kiss. I turned my body more towards him so I could push him into a lying position, not breaking our contact. I didn't even wait for permission before I forced my tongue inside of his mouth, I knew this was getting heated but if he wanted a proper kiss, he was getting one. I pulled him back up and let my lips lingered on his gently.

"Guess some things never change" My eyes snapped open and I whipped around to see where the harsh voice came from. Tommy was there standing at ou- my door with his face contorted in hurt. Shit, did he see that?

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