chapter seventeen - "I am nothing"

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Adams POV

I don't know what I did.

Everything was perfect and then the next, Tommy was gone. No note, just gone. I assumed he went out to do shopping but when he didn't return home, I became worried. Whenever I tried to call him it would ring out to voice mail.

Why would he just leave without saying anything? Who even does that? I can't help but feel that Sauli has something to do with this. I swear, if I found out he does, I highly doubt he would see the light of day again. Call me what you must, I don't care.

Grabbing my phone, I dialled Sauli's phone number and held the phone up to my ear.


"Sauli! Where the hell is Tommy?" I asked sternly, gritting my teeth.

"What do you mean 'where is Tommy?' I haven't spoken to him in days" he replied simply, I could sense the shrug he most likely did.

"He's gone!" I yelled, angrily.

"Well if you think I had something to do with this, you're wrong" He said.

"I know you did or said something to him" I hissed.

"Alright Adam, Calm down. Before you start throwing around accusations maybe you should think about what you could have done. Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do than argue about things that do not involve me" with that, He hung up the phone.

I let a groan of frustration. He may have said he didn't do anything but I am getting a bad vibe.

Thinking back to what he had said, could I have possibly done something that affected Tommy? Thinking back to all our recent encounters, I couldn't find anything wrong I might have did.


There was something.


"Tommy what the hell are you doing?"

Tommy came stumbling through the front door, obviously drunk out of his mind.

"What do you mean?" He slurred out.

"This is the seventh time you've come home wasted! You need to stop!" I snapped at him.

Taken back by my outburst, he stepped back. "I'm sorry, but I didn't realise that you had control over my life. If I want to drink then I'll drink. Nothing to it" He replied, obviously trying to sound more sober

- end of flashback -

Controlling. I was to controlling over him, He was always telling me how he wants to be his own person and not be in my shadow all the time. He probably thinks I don't trust him, I shouldn't have been so thick-headed and actually listened properly to him.

The next morning I drove over to his apartment only to find it completely cleared out, not a single piece of furniture remained in the small unit. But what is confusing me is that all his belongings are still at our place. His phone charger, guitars, clothes... everything.

Where is he?

I kept myself as calm as I possibly could but beneath the surface I could feel panic beginning to brew, it wasn't long before I did start to panic. Pulling at my hair, hyperventilating, crying, the whole deal. I had no idea where I could find Tommy, all I knew is that he was gone and I had no idea where to start looking.

Eventually, I pulled myself together and ran to my car, starting it and driving off. It was worth a shot to drive around town, maybe there's a chance of spotting his bleached mob of hair.

Hours passed and the sun began to set. Still no sign of him.

A fresh batch of tears began forming in my eyes.

"Fuck.." I sobbed into my steering wheel.

He's gone, isn't he? Really, actually gone.


A week pasted excruciatingly slowly with still no contact from Tommy. Each day I called his number at least 10 times but no avail. Each one rang out to voicemail. Call me obsessed or whatever you want, I don't care. All I am is scared and worried.

I can feel myself slowly spiralling into a pit of depression. I've completely shut myself up from the outside world. I have no intentions of returning anytime soon. All I want- need, is my Tommy back home.

The motivation to work is gone, I can't bring myself to drive over to the studio without breaking down. It may not seem like it but Tommy has been a massive part of the new music I have been recording and without him there, it seems pointless. I know that before I knew him I had different reasons to want to be singing but things change and this is now. Tommy is my reason.

Without Tommy, I am nothing.


A/N Hello. I cant even begin to describe how horrible I feel about not updating, the last update was in 2015. I am so sorry to all of you who have been waiting on the next update. I know this is short but I hope you guys enjoy it. love you all. Just another add on, its been 7 years glamnation and I'm 20 years old, I don't exactly ship Adam and Tommy like I used too but I will still continue to try and finish this story bc I still think they are cute.

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