chapter six - "just tell me"

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Adams POV

A week.

it's been a whole week since the whole Sauli-breakup thing happened.

And a week since I kissed Tommy.

Since then, we have been having our 'moments' again but something has been up with him lately. Whenever I go to him, wether it's to kiss or hug, he'll happily do whatever it is in return, it's just whenever I go to actually talk to him he'll make up an excuse and go off somewhere.

More weeks passed this way and I was beginning to get fed up and determined to find out what was wrong because I can't take it anymore. Even though we do talk, I feel like we are still miles apart and like I said, I'm going to find out what's wrong.

I trudged downstairs looking for Tommy and found him curled up on the couch in our lounge room watching a movie. I walked towards him and grabbed the remote switching the television off.

"Um, I was sorta watching that?" He said in a questioning tone.

"I know, but we need to talk. Now" I spoke clearly.

"Yeah sure, what about?"


I immediately saw his face drop and eyes widen.

"I just remembered I need to go out and -uh- meet someone" He rushed out about to stand up but I was took quick for him. I gripped his wrist and pulled back down onto the seat next to me.

"Not this time buddy" I said laughing.

Tommy just sat there, with his elbows resting on his thighs so he was lent over a bit, twiddling his thumbs.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why, what?"

"Why do you always leave whenever I say we need to talk?"

He didn't bother to look up or reply to my question so I continued talking.

"You always seem fine kissing me but whenever I want to talk serious you bail and I'm starting to get the impression you don't want anything to do with me apart from being friends"

He still didn't respond.

"Tommy, please just talk to me" I begged with a pleading look in my eyes.

"I- I don't know what you want me to say" He whispered.

"Anything!" I said loudly. "Just tell me why"

I could tell Tommy didn't want to talk about this by his expressions.

"I need to go" He said looking at me, giving me a look I couldn't understand.

He got up and began walking towards the door grabbing his keys from the hook that was next to the door. Anger boiled up inside me and I got up aswell, storming over towards him I grabbed his shoulders and spun him around before slamming his back against the door.

The look on his face was beyond pissed off.

"Adam, let go" he spat through clenched teeth. I ignored him and stayed exactly where I was.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong" My voice sounding harsh.

"I don't need to explain my self to you! Just- let- me- go!" he yelled, trying to struggle out of my grip, but I was to strong for him.

"Just tell me!" Like I said, I was determined to find out what's wrong.

"Fine!" He took a deep breath to calm himself down and recompose himself.

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