chapter ten - "what are we?"

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Hey guys! Omg an update what even this is weird wot and I found the perfect song that fits the part in a couple of chapters back where Tommy found out about the cheating, it's ''should've said no" but taylor swift, listen to it! Anyway enjoy this lovely chapter you little nuggets xx

Adams POV

The next day I called off rehearsals simple because I could barely manage getting out of bed, yesterday with Tommy had drained every ounce of emotion out me to the point where I just had no motivation. I left Tommy a couple of texts still apologising but they never seem to get answered.

Eventually, after a week I dragged myself out of the house and down to the recording studio, I had no clue what I'd do when I see Tommy and all I wanted to do was hold myself together and get through the day without breaking down.

Walking inside everything seemed fine, I was slightly early but that doesn't matter.

"Adam! How nice of you to show your face" I turned around and saw Ashley standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Uh, yeah. Haven't rehearsed in a while, so yeah" I mumbled and continued making my way towards the studio, Ashley following close behind.

I swung open the door and scanned to room to see if Tommy had arrived or not, My eyes eventually landed on a mob of blonde hair in the corner. My breath hitched in my throat as I slowly made my over to him, thank god he hasn't noticed me yet.

"Hey" I whispered calmly, gently placing my hand on the blondes shoulder.

"Adam" He replied giving a curt nod before going back to strumming his bass.

I just stood there speechless staring at him with wide eyes.

"Well? Are you going to get ready or just stand there staring?" He hissed looking up at me, Snapping back to reality I turned on my heels and walked towards the microphone and waited for everyone to get in their positions.

"What song?" I heard Tommy ask.


I nodded towards the band and music began playing through the speakers surrounding us.

Soaked to the bone

And sink like a stone

Walk home alone

It's not the first time

It's not the worst crime

Your soul will be okay

And you've had enough

Searching for love

And you miss the touch

Of someone new

Burned by your dreams

It's never how it seems

Cold crushed esteem

Take shelter and hide forever

Your soul will be okay

And you've had enou-

I choked on my words and stood there as memories of Tommy and I began flowing through my mind like a title wave, I could feel the tears brimming my eyes. But before anyone could notice, I threw the microphone stand to the side and bolted out of the room leaving a stunned band behind.

I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get as far away from there as I could. By instinct I ended up in my dressing room full of costumes, as weird as it sounds, I like to think of it as my safe haven. I walked frantically around the room gripping my head, as if it would help to escape the memories.

"Go away!" I screamed at myself, letting out a few frustrated groans.

I almost flew my self across the room when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, instead I turned around and whacked the person in the side of the head, not that I meant to or anything.

"What the fuck Adam!?" My vision cleared and I saw Tommy getting up off the floor, cupping his cheek.

"Tommy? Shit I didn't mean to" I said frantically. "I'm sorry"

"You seem to be saying sorry an awful lot" He muttered.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I snapped.

"Nothing, nothing" he said holding his hands up in surrender.

"Seriously, I'm sorry for- uh- hitting you, but at least you learnt not to surprise someone in the midst of a panicking" I chucked, trying to brighten the mood.

"Whatever" He smiled back.

Smiled back.

A week ago we broke up and here he is, smiling at me. I felt instantly calmer.

"Can we talk?" I asked boldly.

"Sure, about what?"

"Us" I replied in a serious tone.

Immediately his face dropped and honestly, he looked sort of terrified.

"O-okay" He stuttered, looking down at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck in a awkward manor.

"What are we?" I asked.

I'm sure I already know the answer but I need to be completely certain. A week ago he told me he doesn't love me anymore, which killed me, but now the way he is acting and the way he acted when I left his apartment is making me think that maybe what he said was a complete lie and that there's a slight chance he may still love me.

"We aren't anything, Adam" He spoke. "You should've said no and thought twice before you let all this go"

Yep. I was right.

"And I apologised! What more do you want me to do?" I said, frustration hinting my voice.

"I want you to suffer" Was all he said before turning around and leaving the room.

Can't he see I'm already suffering? And beating myself to the edge about this? What more does he want from me? I walked out of my dressing room and back to the studio to finish the work and thankfully everyone was there waiting, even Tommy. I avoided eye contact with him whilst I walked towards the microphone, I actually avoided everyone's prying eyes. The could definitely tell something had happened between Tommy and I.

"Play whataya want from me?" I mumbled and began singing the lyrics once the music kicked in.

I decided after a couple of songs I'd hand out the music sheets for the song I wrote for Tommy, everyone seemed happy with the lyrics and messed around with a few sounds before we started. I did notice Tommy hadn't even looked at his sheet he was just sitting there staring into space.

"Tommy? Tommy!" I yelled at him and his head snapped up.

"Pay attention yeah? Hope you can learn to play this song on the spot"

The whole point of me doing the song is to re-sing it for him but try to add more emotion into it, hopefully he will understand this time.

I noticed Tommy beginning to play, as well as everyone else. But once I sang the first line I knew he recognised it because many emotions kept flashing through his eyes and his hands began to shake, but he still carried on.

For some reason, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I didn't feel broken like I did before. I felt determined. Determined to get Tommy back no matter what it takes. I realised that sitting around moping wasn't helping out situation, most likely making it worse. It's time for a change.

When it came time for the final chorus, I marched over to Tommy began belting the lyrics out in front of him, making sure he saw my raw emotion. All in all, he seemed a bit thrown back by my actions and didn't look as if he knew what to do besides strumming his bass to the song. But what he really didn't expect was me to slam a kiss onto his mouth before turning around and sauntering away back to centre stage.

After five hours and one new song later it was finally time to leave! Thankgod.

I was out the door and in my car before anyone could try and talk to me about what I did during better than I know myself, then again it isn't their business so I wouldn't have told them about it anyway.

I mentally sighed and turned my ignition on hearing the engine roar to life, speeding out of the car park and down the street to my home, well house.

Parking in the garage I dragged myself out of the car and inside, I wasn't all that hungry so I passed on making dinner and made a cup of tea instead. My eyes grew wide when I suddenly thought of an incredible idea, I put the mug down and ran to room to retrieve my phone and quickly punched in the number I needed.

"Sauli? I need your help"


Well they're youse go! Sorry for the shortness or any mistakes I sort of ran out of ideas for the chapter whoops but anyway votes and comment! Love yas

-Smolderhalder xx

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