chapter nine - "lost without you"

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Sorry if this seems short, I had to write it on my phone because my iPad decided not to work anymore. Don't hate me after this chapter! Y'alls saw it coming. But enjoy :)

Adams POV

It feels like my whole world is crumbling around me and apparently I can't do anything right. I always end up hurting the ones who mean the most to me and I hate myself more than anything for hurting Tommy.

Maybe if I'd kept my emotions in control I wouldn't have cheated, but this is no ones fault but my own.

Tommy hasn't been answering my calls and I haven't heard from him in weeks, he hasn't even been showing up to the studio either. Due to that, we've needed to hire a backup bassist just so we could record more of our songs.

Actually, coming to think of it, I should just go to Tommy's other apartment he had and just see him. I have a song I've been writing for him so why not sing it for him aswell?

I grabbed my keys off the bench and bolted out the door.

I didn't bother checking my reflection because I honestly don't care how messed up I look at this moment.

My heart was pounding just at the thought of seeing him again and my mind was going into over drive.

What if he tells me to leave?

Or says he doesn't love me anymore?

I arrived outside the apartment building, gripping the steering wheel tightly as more thoughts started to flow in. I shook my head and tried to steady my breathing before forcing myself out of the car and up the steps until I saw the number of Tommys apartment.

Here goes nothing.

I knocked on the door and stood back waiting for an answer. When the door didn't open I tried knocking again, louder.

I heard some rustling and then the door swung open revealing Tommy, who looked worse than me.

"What are you doing here?" He spat.

"You haven't been answering my calls?" I asked. After not seeing him for a long period of time, my mind was completely lost for word.

"Yeah, I wonder why" Tommy grumbled under his breath.

"Can- Can I come in?" I stuttered.

"Whatever" He replied and walked back inside his apartment and slumped down on the couch, I followed him in shutting the door behind me and sitting down next to him.

"Look-" I barely got a sentence out before he cut me off.

"Save it, Adam. Just cut to the chase" He said.

"Where have you been?" Ugh, stop asking so many questions!

"Here" He replied simply.

"We had to hire a backup bassist because you have been a no show for weeks" I informed him.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" He suddenly yelled out.

"I was broken! I couldn't go anywhere without seeing your face and breaking down! Why else do you think I didn't show up all these weeks!?" He continued yelling, pain evident in his voice.

I didn't want to start up another fight, it would've caused another heartache for the both of us, so like he told me too, I'm cutting to the chase.

"I wrote you a song" I spoke quietly, looking at him.

His face drained from all emotion as he just stared at me.

"Is it okay if I borrow your guitar? I learnt how to play a few chords" I mumbled and he nodded in reply. I got up and grabbed it from the corner and sat back down next to him, gently strumming the guitar in tune of the song.

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