chapter twelve - "cant let you go"

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Hey guys! First, thankyou for the 1000 reads! And I'm sorry this wasn't uploading last night, my internet was being a whore. Anyway enjoy this chapter of confusion! And excuse any grammar errors!


I stretched my arms out in front of me and turned on my side to check the time, I almost fell out of bed when I saw Adam peacefully sleeping next to me. I rubbed my forehead trying to recall the events from last night but the killer headache I felt brewing was blocking me from trying to remember anything.

Quietly, I crawled out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, trying to avoid waking Adam up. I gently closed the door and walked over to the sink, leaning on it with my hands.

What even happened last night?

I groaned and splashed my face with water before digging through the medicine cabinet searching for panadol.

"Tommy?" I heard Adam knock on the door and mumbled.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"You alright?" He asked.

'I don't know! I can't even recall what happened last night" there was no reason to be angry but this situation was frustrating me beyond belief.

"Come out and we'll talk"

I dried my face and dragged my feet towards the door and opened it coming face to face with a tired looking Adam. I sighed and pushed past him heading towards the bed and sitting down. Burying my face in my hands I let out another groan. I felt the bed weigh down beside me.

"How much do you remember?" He asked curiously.

"I remember leaving your house and going to a bar but that's really it" I mumbled.

"You kissed me"

"I- what?" I asked in disbelief.

"You. Kissed. Me" He repeated. pausing at each word while looking at me dead in the eye. How drunk was I last night?

"Care to elaborate?" I said, with a shaky breath.

"This guy, whose brain was obviously out of whack, tried dragging you outside too, yknow" He paused before continuing. "Anyway, I was there when I saw it happen, I got the guy off you and we threw a couple of punches- "

"Wait, you- the guy who would never harm anything, punched someone?" I asked im disbelief, again.

"I know! It's hard to believe id punch someone, but I was fuming. After that I took you out to my car and well, you kissed me" When he finished, he let a sigh of relief.

"Okay.." I drew out. I shifted in my position suddenly feeling awkward sitting next to Adam. I really need to get out of this house and fast. I got up as I grabbed my belongings and made a beeline for the door, walking down the hallway I saw the door of my room and got curious.

I walked up to it and pushed it open.

Everything was exactly the same. My bed wasn't made, clothes were scattered over the floor and my dressing table was a mess.

"I haven't gone in here since you left" I heard Adam whisper behind me.

The memory of that night made me cringe and reminded me why I left in the first place. Suddenly anger swept threw my body. not wanting to cause anymore troubles with Adam, I pushed past him and jogged down the staircase to reach the front door.

"Tommy- wait!" Again, I turned around to face him.

"What?" I groaned.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked, confused. Tilting his head to the side.

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