chapter four - "Leave me alone"

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Tommy's POV

By the time I got home my head was throbbing like a bitch, reasons why I don't usually drink, I hate the headaches I get in the aftermath. Since my coordination wasn't the best I ended up walking right into my front door.

Good one Tommy.

I somehow managed to get my keys out of my pocket and shove them into the keyhole, I slammed the door shut once I was inside and rested my back against it trying to remember how to breath.

"Tommy is that you?" I heard Adam call out.

"N-nope! I'm a robber, boo! Scared ya" I slurred out, cracking up at my own joke.

"Hope you don't mind if I take a few things" I continued.

I saw Adam come down the stairs switching the foyer light on, I whacked one of my hands in front of my eyes and holding the other one up towards the light attempting to block it.

"Turn it off" I groaned. Doesn't this kid have any respect for a drunk person?

"Dude, it's 4am. Where the hell have you been?" He asked sternly.

"Dude" I mimicked. "I told you I was going out, calm down" Wow, my English sounds hopeless right now, maybe I should try talking in Italian? Yeah, that'll work.

"perché ti importa ancora?" Not to shabby, I could work with this.

"Wait what?" Confusing took over Adams face and -oh my god- it is hilarious.

"Did you just talk in Italian? Since when did you know that language?" God knows why, but I was double over laughing historically.

"Y-you didn't k-know I spoke I-Italian" I managed to force out still having a laughing fit. "Oh, this is brilliant"

"Whatever, come on Tommy, Lets get you some panadol and put you to bed" Adam said grabbing my wrist.

"No, ugh, let me go" I complained. Clearly didn't work because I was been dragged towards the kitchen and next thing I knew a glass of water and two pills were shoved into my hand.


Rolling my eyes at him, I threw the pills into my mouth and taking a gulp of water to rinse them down. I could feel my eyes beginning to droop considering how tired I was and ended up almost face planting the kitchen floor, but luckily Adam was there to save the day and catch me.

"Steady big boy, don't want you hurting yourself" He chuckled.

I felt one of Adams arms going around my next and the other arm under my legs to pick my up. My eyes flew open when my cheek came into contact with bare skin.

Damn, was he shirtless?

I let my eyes close and I cuddled myself more into Adams warm chest as he carried me up to my room.

My body landed softly on my warm bed and I felt Adam begin to take off my shoes and jeans to change me into more suitable clothing for bed. He can be so sweet sometimes, awh.

"Stay" I whispered when I heard Adam start to get up off the bed.

"I don't think that's a good idea" he replied softly, I just looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Fuck you Tommy for being an emotional drunk.

Adam let out a deep breath before making his way over to the bed and hopping in next to me, I was lying on my side with my back to him, when I felt his weight shift and his arm gently wrap around my waist protectively, His head was resting near the back of mine so I could feel his soft breaths on my back.

When I asked him to stay, I didn't think he'd do this, I was more expecting us to be on opposites sides of the bed. I tried to carefully move out of his grip but his arm tightened around me and pulled me closer into his body, sending shivers down my back.

My eyes flew open -again- when I felt him place a kiss on the side of my neck.

What the hell is happening?

I managed to role myself over so I was now facing Adam, who unconsciously rolled into his back allowing me to rest my head in the crook of his neck, and again, his arm -that was under me- wrapped around my waist protectively, while I also had my arm wrapped around his.


Adams POV

I was pretty surprised when Tommy asked me to stay with him, I was going to say no, but the look in his eyes was indescribable and I just gave in.

I went into the bed next to him and layed there for minute before rolling over and wrapping my arm around him so we were spooning. I sensed him trying to move away so I tightened my grip.

Like hell I'm going to let this moment slip.

The sun was streaming through the curtains by the time I woke up and I noticed Tommy laying basically on top of me. I tried to move out from under him which only caused him to shoot up and scramble to the end of the bed looking at me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck Adam!?" He yelled, still looking pretty freaked out.

"Why are you in my room!?"

"Well, last night you were completely off your face and you asked me to stay with you, so I did. Go figure" Tommy squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his head, most likely trying to remember what exactly happened.

"I- ah -I'm going to take a-a shower" he mumbled before walking into his bathroom.

Why do I get the feeling I should have seriously said no? This just made things a whole lot worse.


A/N here's just a filler chapter for you guys, ive been sick all day so I decided to whip this short chapter up and I'm sorry if theres any grammar mistakes ill fix them soon :) hope you lovely people enjoyed it :) vote and comment!

smolderhalder xx

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