reverse sick day

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in which YOU get sick and chris and his brothers takes care of you

"chris, im not sick." you slur, your head starting to pound as well.

"it's okay to admit you're sick baby, just lay back down." chris chuckles, taking the thermometer from the side table where you left it yesterday.

"no its fine. we have stuff to do today, i don't want to ruin your plans." you sniffle, standing up and becoming dizzy. you fall back on the bed and look up at chris. "okay maybe i'm sick."

"that's okay pretty girl, i'll go get you some medicine, okay?" chris says and you nod. he leaves and you curl up in his blankets. he comes back with the same antibiotics that you gave him yesterday and a water bottle.

he hands you the medicine and the bottle, urging you to take a sip. you take the medicine and fall back on the bed.

"dude, my sinuses have so much pressure it's worse than that one time i had to give a timed speech about the plot of to kill a mockingbird." you complain, earning a soft laugh from chris.

"i remember that, you still got an 'A' though!" chris says. you turn your body so you're face down in chris' pillows.

"my whole body hurts." you whine. you feel the bed shift and poke your head out. he lays down on his back and pulls your body so you're laying almost entirely on top of him.

"this can't be comfortable for you." you laugh.

"as long as it's comfortable for you then that's good with me." he settles, and you wrap your arms around him. you bury your head into the crook of his neck and soon feel yourself drift off to sleep.

you wake up about two hours later still in the position you fell asleep in. you plant a soft kiss on his cheek, only to get no reaction from him. you look up and realize that he's fast asleep as well. you stand up to go to the bathroom, carefully as to not wake up chris.

you make your way over to the bathroom and grab the thermometer. you take your temperature again and see that you still have a fever. you groan in annoyance and take some more medicine. you splash your face with some cold water, attempting to cool your body temperature down.

chris enters the bathroom and sees you standing at the counter. "hey gorgeous. what are you doing? you're supposed to be letting me take care of you."

you shake your head. "you were asleep and i needed more medicine. i didn't want to wake you." you feel another wave of dizziness occur and you stumble in place.

"okay sweetheart let's go back to bed. and for future reference, you never have to be afraid to wake me up if you need anything." chris says, stabilizing your shoulders and helping you get back into bed.

you guys basically watched movies the rest of the whole day, drifting in and out of sleep.

maybe being sick wasnt so bad.
a/n- this one was very rushed but i was bored in an airport


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