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in which chris pranks you!

did i already use this picture? i hope not but if i did i'm very sorry

chris is sat in the passenger seat of the van, holding the camera in his hand with matt driving and nick sitting quietly in the backseat. chris starts up the camera, speaking loudly to it as matt pulls into the walgreens parking lot.

"what's up everybody? so, i know you guys remember when y/n pranked the fuck out of me," chris starts, laughing at the memory.

you switched matt and chris' rooms and convinced chris he was going crazy. when chris walked into his own room and was met with matt's belongings, he was incredibly confused and immediately started yelling at you and his brothers. you three just gaslit him into thinking his room was always were matt's was. he was very confused to say the least.

"yeah, you guys ate that shit up. so, today is the time to get her back. you all know her obsession with taylor swift is out of hand and unhealthy. you guys also know that one of her favorite taylor songs is called dear john. so, we're going to be littering her room with pictures of john mayer and crap." chris explains.

"for you all that don't know, taylor swift dated john mayer and the song 'dear john' is a breakup song about him." matt cuts off chris and explains to the camera.

"yeah. we asked if we could hang out at her place today to switch it up, and now we have a perfect excuse to get access to her room. she's at college today, so we have literally all day. she's supposed to get back at 3:00, and it's currently..." chris checks his phone. "1:32. we have so much time for this prank. so, we're currently in the walgreens parking lot. we ordered 100 something pictures of john mayer, and we're going to tape them all over her walls. we ordered a poster from one of his tours and we're going to put on her wall, and we bought a couple shirts with his face on it to replace her taylor swift merch with." chris explains, his brothers giggling in the other seats of the car.

"she's going to be so pissed. remember that one time she threatened to break up with you because you were listening to one of his songs in the car?" nick laughs, and chris shakes his head agressively.

"she was joking! at least, i hope she was joking. anyways, time is ticking so let's get a move on!" chris says, turning off the camera and getting out of the van with his brothers.

"is she actually going to be mad? i don't want her to, like, not talk to me or something over this." chris cracks his knuckles as the three of them walk into the walgreens.

"i don't think she will. and if she is, then she needs to get over it because it's just a prank. you'll be fine." matt says as they arrive at the counter, picking up the photos and poster. after paying, chris turns the camera back on as they walk out of the store.

"we have secured the photos. we just need to pick up the shirts from our house and get mcdonald's then we're good to go!" chris says, showing the camera the goods.

"who said i'm driving your ass to mcdonald's?" matt says in a snippy tone, pulling the van out of the parking lot.

"don't act like you don't want it too."

matt goes silent, making chris and nick both laugh. "whatever. i'll see you guys at y/n's house!" he turns off the camera.

after swinging by mcdonald's and their house to pick up the shirts, the three boys prop up the camera to record their process.

"okay, it's 2:20 and we just got here. mcdonald's took forever, so we're gonna have to move quickly. nick will make this a time lapse or something. i don't know, i'm not the editor. anyways, let's go!" matt says, holding out the pictures.

"chris, take down the eras tour poster she has. replace it with a john mayer one." nick orders. "but don't rip it, she'll kill you. matt, you work on getting some pictures up, i'll replace the shirts."

"okay." the other two brothers say in unison, starting on the tasks they were assigned.

"god, half of y/n's wardrobe is either chris' clothes or taylor swift merch." nick laughs, taking the hangers out of the closet and moving them into a separate room in the house.

"i've noticed that. she looks better in my clothes than i do, though." chris says, making matt and nick make a disgusted face at eachother.

"literally nobody wanted to hear that."

chris flips off nick for the comment and finishes putting up the poster. "done!"

"alright, start hanging up the actual pictures now."

the three boys worked together, and by 2:54, all 107 pictures were hung up around your room and closet. there was hardly any empty wall space left when they were finished.

chris turns the camera to matt so he can show the final product. "okay everybody, all of her clothes are replaced with those two shirts with johns face on it, we put pictures all over the walls and closet, and the eras tour poster was replaced with the john mayer tour poster. oh! and, we put his picture on taylor's face on all the vinyl records she has." matt laughs.

"and she just texted our group saying she's home and that we can come over, we gotta find a spot to prop up the camera so you guys can get her reaction. nick will be recording in the corner, and chris in the other." matt whispers.

the boys hear you start walking up the stairs and quickly get into their positions, starting each of their cameras.

"shit! you guys scared me!" you yell as you walk into your room, not noticing the pictures at first. they give you a second and laugh as the realization falls all over your face. "what the fuck? get this shit off my motherfucking walls! what the hell, when did you guys do this? no, get him off!"

the boys start cracking up with laughter as you start rapidly taking down the pictures.

"wait! before you do that, let me take a picture." chris says through hard laughter, taking a picture of you standing in front of the john mayer covered wall with disgust all over your face.

"go look in your closet." matt laughs. you run over to it and open it, finding the inside completely empty besides the two shirts with johns face on it.

"this is fucking- like, preposterous. never again. i hate you all. why did you do- my records!" you interrupt yourself, spotting the pictures covering taylor's face on each of the album covers. the boys double over in laughter once again as you continue to rip down the pictures.

nick grabs the camera from its spot and starts talking to it. "so, that was todays wednesday video. i hope you all enjoyed! and i hope y/n's not too mad at us.." nick trails off, turning the camera to show your unamused face.

"i don't like john mayer."

nick laughs and turns the camera to matt so he can scream into the camera and shut it off.

"this is what you get for gaslighting the fuck out of me a couple months ago!" chris laughs, pointing at you and getting a high-five from each of his brothers.

"i have to admit, it was a good prank. but get this motherfucker off my walls!"
a/n- it's chrissy!!

it physically PAINED me to write j*hn m*yer so many times

anything for you guys though fr

i hope you enjoyed!!

i love you all so very much.


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