long day

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in which chris comes home after a busy day.

chris was quite literally dragging his feet to his final meeting of the day. he had work events all day today, which consisted of three meetings, laura taking them out to lunch, having to film a day time car video, having to deal with someone hacking the group account, and a photoshoot modeling new fresh love merch. he left before you were even awake, so needless to say he missed you. it was 8:45pm, and he only had one more meeting then he could come back home. chris had been texting you all day, giving you updates on what's happening next and the ETA on when he'll be home.

you missed him like crazy too. you weren't aware of his busy schedule until you woke up at 7am alone in your shared bed. you checked your phone and saw a text from chris, apologizing for leaving so early and that he won't be home until late tonight. you were overjoyed when chris said he was in his final meeting of the day and that he'll be home around 10.

you knew how he got at night. he absolutely refuses to go to sleep if you're not cuddling with him in some sort of way. especially after not seeing you all day, he gets extra clingy. but you weren't complaining, you liked the attention.

you could tell that today was draining for chris just from his texts. your assumption was proved correct by the amount of messages you'd gotten from nick and matt saying how chris kept talking about you. according to them, he wouldn't shut up about how much he missed you and how he just wanted to be with you.

you felt bad, days like this really just took it all out of him. the last time he had a packed schedule like this, he was beat for a day and a half. as far as you know, the only plans you two had made for the next day were to go out to dinner together which could easily be postponed if needed.

once you got the text that said he'd be home in about an hour and a half, you got up and tried to make the house as comfortable for him as you could for when he got home. you made sure there was a cold pepsi in the fridge, made sure his room was clean (because a messy room stresses him out even more,) laid out his favorite pair of pajama pants and hoodie for him to change into, and made his bed so it was as comfortable as it can be.

some may say you're going a bit overboard, but to you, this was just how you showed you care for someone. you still had 50 minutes to kill, so you decided to work on the diamond painting that you'd started a couple days ago.

you found these to be incredibly therapeutic. one day, you came home from work a stressed out, anxious mess, so chris took you out to target and told you to pick one out, saying that matt gets himself to calm down with these. you were skeptical, not really being a huge artistic person. but boy, were you proven wrong. you found yourself adding little gems to this painting almost any moment you were alone. with some soft music playing in the background and a diamond painting in front of you, you were straight chilling for hours.

you must've gotten lost in the music, because you were startled when three boys trudged through the door with tired looks on their face. "hey, y/n." nick greets, shutting the door behind him and leaning on the counter you were sat at. chris comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your back and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"hey, how did things go today?" you ask, turning off the music and finishing the number you were on, then shutting the container of gems and giving the boys your full attention.

"really fucking exhausting. our video definitely wasn't the best, we might have to refilm it another day." matt groans, rubbing his hands over his face.

"that's okay. how did the meetings go?"

"fine. they all basically talked about the same thing. that's three hours of my life i'll never get back." nick sighs, "well i'm going to bed. goodnight."

you all say your goodnights to him before he trudges up the stairs and you hear the door close. "i'm gonna hit the hay as well." matt says, making chris laugh.

"hit the hay? what are you, 80? kid just go to bed."

"shut up chris!" matt grumbles, also walking to his room and shutting the door.

"i know you're probably exhausted after today, so i have a nice cold pepsi in the fridge, your favorite pajamas on your bed, and no plans tomorrow." you say, spinning around in your chair so you're now facing chris.

"you're an angel. thank you, sweetheart." chris says, pressing a kiss to your forehead and grabbing the pepsi out of the fridge.

"you're very welcome. go upstairs and get situated, im going to shut everything off down here and i'll be right up." you say, chris nodding and heading to his room.

you turn off the tv in the living room, the speaker you were using, put away your diamond painting, and shut off all the lights. by the time you make it upstairs, chris has already changed and finished his pepsi, laying face down in his pillows.

"you really were tired, weren't you?" you chuckle, chris humming a 'mhm' into his pillows. you shut off the light in his room, getting under the blankets with him. immediately, he throws an arm over your waist and pulls you into him, burying his face into the crook of your neck.

"i love you. more than you'll ever know." chris mumbles, yawning after his confession.

you feel your face flush and press a small kiss into his hairline. "i love you more."

"not possible." he mutters, barely audible at this point.

"go to sleep, loser."

he does as he's told, quickly falling asleep after the eventful day. chris has a small smile on his face, incredibly thankful that this is the way he gets to end each and every day.
a/n- it's chrissy!! omg i loved writing this one so much because softie chris is just so fun


i watched 8 episodes of criminal minds in a row, which is about 6 hours of criminal minds

what else am i supposed to do while im withering away in the hospital

withering away is a tad dramatic but i feel like death




also im fucking angry that taylor motherfucking swift played DRESS and EXILE IN THE SAME FUCKING NIGHT

i sobbed in the hospital and the nurse came in thinking i was hurt and i had to explain it was just bc taylor swift sang dress and exile at once




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