i can see you

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"what would you do if they never found us out? what would you do if we never made a sound?" -taylor swift, i can see you

in which a family feud forbids you and chris to date, so you have to sneak around


it hurt.

it hurt so fucking badly to have to walk by chris in public and pretend you had no idea who he was.

your family and the sturniolos go way back. and not in a good way. you weren't quite sure of the reason, but your parents and the sturniolo parents just couldn't stand eachother.

from the second you told your parents you got your first 'boyfriend' all the way back in 6th grade, they made it very clear that any and all of the sturniolo children are off limits. no contact, no nothing.

you were confused, but accepted it. there wasn't much you could do about it anyways.

that was, until you shared every single class with the youngest triplet, chris.

you weren't sure why you were so drawn to him. maybe it was the fact that all contact was strictly forbidden, or maybe it was those glistening blue eyes that took your breath away every time they turned to you.

either way, chris felt it too.

the tension was obvious. everyone around you two could tell there was at least a little spark of something there.

at first, you both tried to ignore it. but it got harder and harder to do just that. nonetheless, you both still tried your absolute hardest to get the other out of your head.

that was, until everything broke down one lunch bell.

"y/n, i know our parents gave us the same speech. 'all contact is absolutely unacceptable' blah blah blah. but please, please be with me. we don't have to tell them. it can be our secret. i've noticed the way you look at me when you think i'm not paying attention. i know you want this too." he says in a low voice, making your heart stop almost completely.

a flustered "okay" was all you could manage.

"thank god." he breathes out, sending you a wink, and going back to his original table.

it's been three months of sneaking around, and each day hurts more than the last.

with school being out now, you hardly ever get to see him. there's times you get a text from 'christina' on your phone, asking to meet up somewhere. but there's nothing you want more than to just go over to his house and watch a movie in his bed. but you know you can't do that.

you can't even text him like a normal couple would. even with the code names, your parents would catch on.

chris was a genius when it came to sneaking around. 'christina' was his idea, and your nickname was 'aaron.' you asked why you got turned into 'aaron', and his reasoning was "i don't know, you just look like an aaron."

you were never able to meet up with chris. there was always something in the way.

you were taking a target run with your parents, when you hear that psycho laugh from a few isles overs. you keep your cool and walk out of the isle with your parents, making eye contact with chris.

his face lights up when he sees you, but soon falls back when he sees your parents.

you give him the saddest smile a person ever could, and you have to keep telling yourself the words he said to you over the phone one night.

"i hate sneaking around chris, i feel like no one can see us! nobody knows we're together, i cant show you off to anybody, it's fucking stupid!" you yelled into your phone, wincing at your loud tone and hoping you didn't wake up your parents.

"love calm down. it doesn't matter what others think. i can see you. that's all that matters." he says. the frown on his face is evident in his voice.

"i can see you."

so for now, you two will have to love eachother through small smiles and accidental encounters.

which is good enough for you, because at least you have him at all.
a/n- i love the idea of this one but i'm not good enough to write it 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 somebody could definitely body this idea

i still think it's kinda cute though

yet another request down by chrissy

i hope you enjoyed, sorry it's kinda short

i love you all!!!


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