gogo squeeze

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in which you struggle with eating

MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING: MENTIONS OF EDS' AND EVERYTHING THAT GOES WITH IT. this was a request and i feel comfortable enough writing it because i myself have struggled with multiple eating disorders in the past and present. so please proceed with caution, and if you don't want to read i should have another coming out very very soon!

your eyes flutter open at the soft touch of chris running his hands up and down your arms. "come on, beautiful. we gotta go, nick is itching to go to target."

you groan and turn your body so your face is in chris' chest. "can't we just stay here?"

"i need stuff from target too, stuff for tour. if you go ill buy you something!"

you lean back and rub your eyes. "i'll go, but you don't have to get me anything. i just want to spend time with.." you stand up a little too quick, and a dizzy spell takes over you. you stumble in place and chris reaches out to stabilize you by your arms.

"woah, are you okay?"

"yeah, yeah i'm fine. i just - stood up too quick. anyway, i want to spend time with you guys. so get out so i can change." you say as you slowly regain your vision.

he eyes you skeptically but turns to the door nonetheless. "okay... well they're ready to go now so whenever you're ready we can leave."

you nod and hold up different tops to your body, ultimately deciding on a pale green tank top with small blue flowers on it and some wide-set blue jeans. it showed a bit more skin than you were used to, but it was hot outside so you didn't think it was that big of a deal. you immediately turned to the mirror, and your face dropped to the floor.

i haven't eaten as much, why isn't anything happening? you think, turning to the side in the mirror. your eyes fill up with tears as you look up to the ceiling to prevent them from falling. you rip off the tank top and throw on one of chris' oversized shirts, put on some white converse, and turn right back to the mirror. well, this is as good as it's gonna get.

if someone were to come up to you and ask, "are you eating?" you could truthfully answer yes. just.. not as much as you should. you liked to call it portion control, but it was far from that. it was more of, like, not eating anything for multiple days straight, then having a couple chicken nuggets when the triplets would catch on. but starving yourself? absolutely not. well, that's what you told yourself.

you and the triplets have spent a couple days away from each other. they had a lot of meetings with tour starting soon, and not much free time. which, of course, led to you not eating. it's been four days without eating as much as a single french fry. but you were okay with that - you thought it would work, and you'd get skinny, and chris would like you more.

but that was far from the truth.

the truth was, chris could tell. he saw how weak you were getting, how dizzy you'd get when you stood up, and how you spent extra long looking in the mirror. he knew something was up, but he didn't know what.

"baby, you ready yet?" chris calls up the stairs, and you swallow the lump in your throat to answer back.

"um- yeah! just give me one second."

you pat your eyes with a tissue and flip your hair a couple times, giving it some much needed volume. you walk down the stairs and see all three triplets actually getting along for once. chris takes one look at you and cocks his head to the side. "uh, you guys get in the car. i gotta find my phone. y/n, can you help me?"

you nod hesitantly as matt and nick get in the two front seats of the car. the second the door closes, chris turns to you. "why were you crying?"

your eyes droop for a second before you pick them back up. "i wasn't."

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