the rumors are terrible and cruel

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in which chris breaks up with you because of a rumor.


you wouldn't call yourself famous. well known? yes. popular? maybe. but famous? no. you were dating one of the biggest youtube stars on the internet right now, so naturally, people knew who you were and you had your own following and youtube channel. being well known came with its own perks, such as; decent pay, discounts at your local coffee shop, and new friends all over the world.

but being well known also came with its cons. such as; the constant hate you got, being told, "why don't you get a real job?!" by your grandma constantly, and the rumors.

the rumors were by far the worst part. you've been accused of cheating, breaking up with chris, and even being pregnant at one point. you and the triplets were pretty good with ignoring them, or addressing them if they got really bad. but you four tended to steer clear of them.

you were at a nearby olive garden with your cousin, james on a chilly autumn afternoon. james had flown into LA from texas for a couple days, just because he missed you. he also had a job offer in LA, but you liked to believe it was because he couldn't stand to be away from you for that long.

you and james had always gotten along. both being the youngest child and only born three days apart, you two were always getting into trouble or making some sort of mess. he felt like more of a brother than a cousin. when his side of the family moved down to texas, you were heartbroken.

"so, james," you start, swallowing the chicken alfredo you had shoveled into your mouth. "how's your girlfriend doing? what's her name.. betty, right?"

his face turns slightly red as he nods his head. "actually, fiancé."

you gasp as you drop your fork into your pasta. "oh my god! that's great!" you get up and go over to him, hugging him tightly. "i'm so excited for you two!"

oh- another thing with being well known- there were people that know of you everywhere. and people who take pictures of you everywhere. that's how the picture of you hugging james in an olive garden began to make its way around the internet.

you didn't care about the picture. if it were under different circumstances, you would've thought the picture was cute. it was the caption that you were worried about. everywhere you looked, there that picture was with 'Y/N L/N, CHRISTOPHER STURNIOLOS GIRLFRIEND CHEATING' typed in big bold letters under the picture.

it wasn't until you got home that you knew about it. you finished your lunch happily chatting away with james, and hugged him goodbye after he dropped you back off at your home. the triplets van was in the driveway, so you were a little confused when you found the front door was locked.

you fished your key out of your way-too-cluttered purse, and shoved it in the key slot and turn it. once you're in the house, you pull the key out and throw it back in your purse and dropping the bag on the counter.

"guys, i'm home!" you call out, but you're met with silence. you slowly walk down the stairs to chris' room, where his door is slightly ajar and you can hear voices inside.

"guys?" you push the door open slightly, and you're shocked at the scene in front of your eyes. chris is on his bed, eyes wet and red, nick sitting with a hand on chris' shoulder, and matt pacing the room with the picture of you and james pulled up. "hey, what's-"

"y/n, get out. we don't have anything to say to you." nick says, pointing at the door.

"calm down nick, we don't even know-"

"no! i want her gone, and so does chris. we don't want a cheater in our house." nick cuts off matt, but the words repeat in your head.




you hold up your hand as your chest begins to feel tighter. "cheater? what are you guys even talking about? i was just at lunch with my-"

chris cuts you off this time. "yeah, i know. i saw the picture. if you wanted to break up with me, you could've just said so. you didn't have to cheat on me. and you didn't even have the decency to tell me? real mature, y/n. just- go please. i'm done."

your chest begins to tighten even more if possible. "no, wait! you dont understand, i can explain!"

"i've heard that one once or twice. so please just go." nick says. you scoff and your shoulders drop as you turn around and walk out of the room. matt follows close behind, catching your wrist before you're able to leave the house.

"i'm listening."

"what?" you ask, wiping away tears.

"i'm listening. explain the picture. i know rumors get bad, so im giving you the benefit of the doubt. you and chris need eachother. go ahead, im listening."

you and him sit down at the dining room table and you begin telling the story. you tell him about james, about the move, about betty, and about the paparazzi. he nods in understanding every once in a while, wiping your tears when they become too much to handle yourself.

"hey, it's alright. trust me, i believe you. do you want me to talk to chris?" he soothes, and you sniffle and nod.

you sit down on the chair in their living room, watching matt walk downstairs. you sit upstairs, just thinking. thinking about how someone could start such a horrible rumor, how chris couldn't believe you, and how such a good day could turn so horrible.

caught in your thoughts, you didn't realize that chris had walked upstairs to meet you. you snap out of your trance and bring your eyes up to meet his.

"can we take a walk?"

you knew why chris asked. whenever things were difficult or one of the two of you were struggling, you guys would take a long walk to clear your heads. you stayed silent but stood up, walking over to the door with him. he holds it open for you, shutting it behind you once you walk out. you two turn down the sidewalk and walk silently for a while. your hands brush every so often, but neither of you actually take the liberty of holding the others hand. it's like your first date in seventh grade all over again.

chris breaks the silence first, but you almost don't hear him. "i'm sorry."

you stay silent, urging him to continue.

"i had absolutely no right coming at you like that. i know that you'd never ever do something like that. im just so fucking stupid. i knew you wouldn't do that. i knew you'd have a reasonable explanation, but what i don't know is why i didn't hear you out. it's not fair. i'm so sorry."

you catch a tear that slowly slid down your cheek, but you don't know what to say to him. you take his hand and squeeze it. you try to speak, but it just comes out like a whisper. "i love you."

"i love you so much. i'm so sorry for the shit i pulled. i trust you."

"i know you do."

you two walk hand-in-hand a bit more, pointing out cool halloween decorations on people's houses. when you guys arrive back at the house, you stand on the porch for a minute before you go in.

"thank you for listening to me when i didn't listen to you."

"i needed to fix this somehow. i missed you." you say, leaning up to kiss him.

you've never missed anymore more than this.


i'm for real on my god damn grind


can yall spot the taylor reference (besides the title)

i love you all!!


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