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in which you walk in on chris while he's streaming.

you put your keys down on the kitchen island and kick off your shoes, not really caring where they end up.

your day at work had been dragged on for what felt like years, and you were beyond ready to get home. you wanted snacks and chris, and you were determined to get just that.

you trudged your feet to the stairs, walking down them and ending up in front of chris' door. the whiteboard he kept on the outside had "streaming!" written on it. you let out a sigh and drop your head, walking away from the door. you hear a voice from inside say, "you can come in, baby."

you open the door gently and peek in. "how did you know it was me?"

"i could tell by the pattern of your steps. that sign is just for my brothers so they don't say some out-of-pocket-shit on live. hold on guys-" he mutes his mic but continues to talk to you. "what's wrong?"

you sigh and give him a small smile. "you can just read me like a book, can't you?"

he smiles and pulls up a chair next to him, patting it and urging you to sit down. "i know you better than you think i do. now what's wrong? do you want me to end the stream?" his brows furrow with worry, making your heart absolutely melt.

"no, it's alright. i just had a long day and a headache. i need you."

"okay, whatever you say. if you want me to get off then you just say the word and i'm all yours, alright princess?" he says, smiling down at your head resting on his shoulder. you nod and hum an agreement, watching as he unmutes his mic and turns his camera back on.

"okay guys, we have a visitor!" he exclaims, smiling as you wave and read some of the comments flooding the chat section.

"hi everyone." you say, readjusting your head on chris' shoulder.

"because my girl is here, we're gonna have to tone down the screaming, so maybe fortnite isn't a good game for right now. any suggestions?" he says, squinting his eyes as he attempt to read the flying chats.

"how about minecraft? you can show them the little world we made together." you suggest, looking up at him.

"good idea, pretty. okay, minecraft loads slow as balls, so it'll be a minute. are there any questions you guys have for either of us?" chris asks the stream, and you bring your head up off his shoulder. he interlocks his fingers with yours and starts reading the chats as minecraft loads up.

"'what's your favorite thing to do together?' someone asked. y/n, you wanna answer that?" chris reads, looking over at you.

"um.. we watch a lot of movies. and play minecraft. we also go shopping all the time. pretty much anything i'm doing with him is my favorite." you answer, turning red as he pressed a kiss to your temple.

"we also like to kiss a lot."

"chris!" you swat his arm, laughing at his comment. "next question, please."

he laughs and leans forward to read some more chats. "tv show recommendations?"

"ooo! i'm currently forcing chris to watch criminal minds with me. i've seen it four times, this is my fifth. i highly recommend."

"yeah, that shits interesting. i'll tell her we can watch one episode and we end up watching, like, six!" he exclaims, using his hands to exaggerate the story.

you nod in approval as chris' screen changes to the homescreen of minecraft. you nudge him to get his attention and flick your head in the direction of the screen.

"i'm going to go lay down, i don't feel that great. i love you." you say, kissing chris' cheek quickly and getting up.

"alright sweetheart. i'll be there soon, ive already been streaming for an hour and a half. do you need anything?" he asks you, but you just shake your head.

"i'm alright."

"okay, baby. i'm almost done." after his words, you shut his bedroom door behind you and go upstairs to lay on the couch. you would just lay in chris' bed, but you didn't want to be disrupted by the stream.

you lay down on the couch, face shoved in a pillow and your legs tangled in a blanket. you just lay there in silence for a while, allowing your thoughts to take over again.

interrupting your 6th what if thought of the session, chris comes prancing up the stairs with a wide smile on his face. "i'm done."

"good. i missed you." you get up off the couch and race chris down the stairs to his room. you won, of course.

he laid on his bed and opens up his arms, suggesting you to lay with him. obviously you take it, making yourself comfortable with the entanglement of your bodies.

before you knew it, you were out. and before chris knew it, he was too.
a/n- it's chrisssyyyyyyy!!!!

did you guys like this one i can't really tell if i'm digging it or not

i'm so tired and i'm sick i'm done with life

i love you all


also i love spencer reid

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