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in which your best friend teaches you how to skate

"absolutely not!" you shout, holding onto the wall of the rink as tight as you could.

"y/n, i do this for a sport. it's not as hard as you're making it seem." chris chuckles, skating circles around where you stand on the wall.

"you've been doing this since you were little! i mean, you're used to it, and i'm not. this is terrifying!" you say, holding onto the wall tighter as your skates begin to slip.

chris was teaching you how to ice skate. well, he was trying to teach you how to ice skate. you didn't know how you ended up in this situation. one minute, you and the triplets were talking about your yearly vacation to colorado, and the next, you're freezing your ass off in a hockey rink with your crush.

it's not like you didn't want to learn, your body just wouldn't cooperate. your feet were slipping all over, your knees would lock, and your arms were flailing comedically. if you were watching someone else look like this, you'd be laughing so hard.

"come on, y/n. it's not that difficult. you know how to roller skate, right?"

"yeah. this is way different, don't you even try and connect the two!" you say, picking your hand up off the wall to point at chris, but slam it right back down when your body starts moving forward.

"give me your hands, i'll help." chris says, holding out his hands to you.

you take them almost too eagerly, and chills run up your body. whether it was from chris or the ice rink you were standing on. you couldn't tell. but either way, you were just glad that you could be holding his hands.

chris was feeling the same way. that was the main reason he forced you into this, was so he had some alone time with you. his brothers were in on it too, saying they had to go 'shopping.'

chris squeezes your hands a little and starts skating backwards, you standing stiff as a board, letting him pull you around the rink.

"push your legs a little, get used to the feeling." chris says, squeezing your hand again.

you let out a huff and push one leg, your body jerking forward at the sudden movement. chris lets go of your hands and moves them to your waist, stabilizing you. your cheeks flush with red, freezing when you feel his hands. you look up at him, only to find he's already staring down at you.

"you alright?"

"uh- yeah.. yeah i'm good. thanks for catching me." you stutter, pushing your legs once again. chris let's go of your waist and moves to your hands again so you have a bit more room.

"here, stay here. i'm gonna skate that way, i want you to come to me, okay?" chris offers, dropping your hands.


"oh, you'll be fine. come on, you got this."

he's only about five feet away, but you were still scared. you push your legs, and frown when you don't go the direction you intended. "fuck."

"that's okay, try again." chris laughs, and you flip him off, still looking at the ground. you turn your feet and start 'skating' towards him. but you don't glide, it's more like walking on the ice.

"okay, progress! i'm gonna go behind you, skate to the wall, okay?" he says, skating so he's standing behind you. you nod and push off, going far too fast towards the wall. you make it though, and grab onto the wall to steady yourself.

"good job! can you come this way now?" he holds out his arms to you, and you shake your head at him. he was almost all the way across the rink, no way you were making it to him.

"nope. i cant make it that far."

"yes you can. come on, i'll catch you."

that was enough reassurance to get your legs to move before your mind, and before you knew it, you were going full speed towards chris.

"y/n, slow down!"

"i cant!" you call out, crashing into chris and falling into a heap on the ice. you're laying on top of him, and he's rubbing his elbow as he picks his head up.

"are you alright?" he asks, looking you in the eyes.

you don't answer, you just look down at his lips. sure, you've been close to him before, but never this close. you got the full effect- his stubble on his chin, the way his eyes glisten in the lights of the ice rink, and the way his lips were not chapped at all.

he saw this, and took the liberty of pushing his against yours. you were shocked, sure, but didn't do a thing to stop it. you brought your hands to the back of his head, playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. you both sit up, your face in his hands and his hair in yours.

you're very grateful that you rented the place out, or else you might've traumatized some little kids. you pull away from his lips, and smile goofily at him.



you laugh at your awkwardness and get up, holding out your hand for him. he takes it and helps himself up, smiling warming at you. "i'm very glad i did that." he says, not letting go of your hand.

"me too."

"can i do it again?" he asks, taking your other hand in his.



i wrote this one in 35 minutes that's gotta be some sort of record for me



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