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in which you come back from vacation.

you take your suitcase out of the overhead bin and stand up, groaning at the long line of people ahead of you. you sit back down and shoot chris a text, to which he replies instantly.

just landed! there's a fuck
ton of people in line tho so
it might take a minute to
meet you and your brothers


you furrow your brows at his dry response, but decide not to worry about it. the line of people is moving surprisingly quick, so you stand back up and make your way outside of the stuffy plane.

you were incredibly happy you decided not to check a bag, because you were desperate to just see chris.

it's been two weeks since you last saw him. you had gone to florida to visit your family, and chris did not want you to go. obviously he didn't tell you that, and he was the most supportive of your decision. he helped you pack, he helped you book the plane ticket, and he was the last person you said goodbye to before you left.

but he didn't want you to go. when he got home from the airport, he had a panic attack. his mental health had not been the greatest, but he didn't want you to worry about him, so he didn't tell you.

you weren't the best with reading social cues, so it was hard to tell. but chris also wasn't the best at expressing himself or his feelings.

when you stepped off the gate, you began heading towards baggage claim, where the triplets said they'd meet you. as you walk across the floor, you're met with two boys scrolling on their phones, and one leaning his head on the shoulder of the boy on the far right.

chris picks up his head off of nicks shoulder and rushes over to you, squeezing you as tightly as possible without hurting you. you feel him sigh into your touch, and he mutters "finally" into your shoulder.

"chris, what's the matter? you look like you haven't slept in ages." you whisper to him, hugging him back.

"i needed you so badly, but you were in florida and i didn't want to bother you- and.. so i didn't reach out and i'm sorry i was being so distant.." he rambles, still holding onto you for dear life.

"honey, if you wouldve told me this i would've postponed my trip!" you say, pulling him arms length away to look at his face. with the new angle, his eye bags seem three times darker than before. he hasn't shaved in a few days, but you kind of liked it. his hair was freshly cut though, along with a new ear piercing you don't remember from before you left.

"i didn't want to ruin your plans. i'm just so glad you're finally home. i missed you so god damn much."

"i'm glad i'm home too, baby. when we get home we can just relax with eachother, sound good?" you propose, and he nods. he interlocks his fingers with yours and walks over to the other two brothers hand in hand.

"oh, you finally got him talking? he hasn't said much this past week." matt says, hugging you. "he's had a pretty rough couple days."

"yeah, i've heard. if you don't mind, i'd like to spend the rest of the night with just him. i know that the four of us had plans, but can we move them to tomorrow?" you say quietly, moving from matt to hug nick.

"yeah, yeah of course." nick says, taking your bags and wheeling them out to the van.

chris stayed relatively quiet the whole ride. matt and nick asked questions about your two weeks away and you asked questions about theirs. the 35 minute drive went pretty quickly, and you were eager to get inside. you leave your bags in the car, promising matt you'd take them out of his van later. you hold chris' hand when you four walk in, and chris immediately pulls you down into your guys' room.

"what's been going on?" you push chris' hair out of his eyes softly and run your hands over his jawline.

"i've just been struggling. i'm sorry for not really talking to you, i'm just not feeling very good."

"that's okay, you have nothing to apologize for. what do you need, anything i can do to help?"

"i just need you. please."

you give him a sad smile and hug him tightly. you plant kisses all along his jawline, neck, and chin. once you pull away from his face, you grab the tv remote and lay down, letting chris lay on top of you. you wrap him in your arms and pull the blankets over the top of you both.

"is this okay?" you ask him quietly, turning on alvin and the chipmunks softly as background noise.

"perfect." he mumbles into the crook of your neck, and he sighs deeply. "you smell really good."

"oh, thank you chris. i love you lots."

"i love you more. i'm so glad you're back, i've missed this." he says, nuzzling his head further into your neck, his hair tickling your jaw.

"i missed this too."


i started this like september 18th 😭 it's been so long

anyways ik it's short i just wanted it GONE but i didn't wanna scrap it

i hope you enjoyed and i love you all so much !!


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