cuddle buds

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in which you and chris get caught cuddling.

you're not together (yet) in this one!
you're laying in nicks bed while he's passed out snoring on the other side. you spend the night with the sturniolos a lot, and marylou decided it makes most sense that you sleep with nick.

you toss and turn with no luck. it's 3:48 in the morning and you haven't slept once. you and the boys fell asleep around 12:30, since you guys had a super long day.

you groan in annoyance and open nicks door to go downstairs to get water. when you open the door, you run into somebody standing at nicks door.

"oh shit- hi chris" you whisper, looking up at him. "what are you doing here? this is nicks room."

"i- uh.. i saw you were active on instagram and figured you couldn't sleep either." he says, leading you out of nicks room and into his room so you don't wake anyone up with your talking.

you sit down on his bed and he follows suit. you guys agree on a tv show and start watching it.

"so, why can't you sleep?" you ask him.

"i don't know. i just can't get my mind to shut off. it's not even anything that important, there's just so much running through it." he complains, slouching down into his bed to lay on his back.

"yeah. i just cant sleep. it's like i can't get comfortable for the life of me." you agree, also laying down further.

"um, if you want you can, like, lay on me. if that will help you get comfortable. but you don't have to, that was stupid to say. i'm sorry, just forget that." he rambles, but you just smile at him.

"i'd love to. just let me know if you're uncomfortable with anything, okay?" you smile, laying your head on his chest and draping your arm around his torso.

"don't worry, there's very little that you could do that makes me uncomfortable." chris says, wrapping both of his arms around your chest and squeezing you a little.

the scent of chris is sweet enough to help you drift off into a deep sleep pretty quickly.

you wake up in the morning in the same position you fell asleep in. you look up to see that chris is awake, looking at something on his phone.

he looks at you and hands you your phone from his side table.

"check instagram right fucking now." he says, pulling you tighter to him.

you open instagram and see that you have two mentions, one from nick and one from matt. you check matt's story first and see a picture of you and chris cuddling. there's text on the top that says "cuddle buds" and mentions both you and chris.

"oh my fucking god. now everyone's gonna think we're together." you groan and put your head back on his chest.

"i mean, is that such a bad thing?" chris asks, sitting up slightly.

you take your head off his chest and look at him with confusion in your eyes. "what are you saying?"

"i'm saying i'm okay with them saying we're together because i want to be together. i know it's out of no where but i've liked you for so long." he says, avoiding eye contact.

you put your finger on his chin and move his face towards you. "i'd love to be with you."

he kisses you on the lips once and pulls away. "i've been waiting to do that for so long."

"then do it again."

your words are all it takes for him to immediately swoop back down to your lips. after a few seconds he pulls away again.

"okay, let's go downstairs. i'm sure nick and matt are going to have some words for us." chris says, getting off the bed and holding out his hand to you.

you take it and get up off the bed as well. you walk downstairs, chris following close behind, and you're met with nick and matt sitting at the kitchen counter.

the second their eyes see you guys, they start making all types of kissy noises.

"okay okay shut the fuck up." chris says, flipping off his brothers.

"y/n, i thought you liked sharing a bed with me!" nick says, placing a hand over his heart in fake hurt.

"i do i do, but i think i want to sleep with my boyfriend from now on." you grin, watching the shock consume their faces.

"BOYFRIEND?!" they both shout at the same time.

you and chris both laugh, and he puts his arm around your waist.

"when the fuck did this happen?" matt asks, looking at chris' hand around your waist.

"like 5 minutes ago." chris laughs, kissing you on the cheek as well.

"i knew it was bound to happen sooner or later." marylou says, walking into the kitchen from her room.

you look at chris and smile, and he plants another kiss on your cheek.

this was a great morning.
a/n- what the fuck is up wattpad it's chrissy

i hope you enjoyed this one

it's not very good i just thought it was kind of cute.

please leave requests and i'll try to get to it as quickly as possible!!


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