"i got off the plane."

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in which you are about to go to paris for a job offer, but something stands in the way.

this is heavily inspired by the last episode of friends!!

you and chris are just friends in this one.

a sad silence fills the room you four are sitting in.

"paris?" nick says, his voice just above a whisper.

"yeah. i'll come back for, like, holidays and stuff. i'll visit." you say, wiping a tear away from your eye.

you had gotten your dream job offer in paris. the only way to make it work was to move there, but that would mean having to move away from your best friends; the triplets.

you were breaking the news to them that you would be leaving tonight.

"why did you wait until now to tell us?" matt asks, his voice cracking.

"i didn't want to spend my last couple days with you guys all sad and depressed." you laugh slightly, wiping matt's tears away with your thumbs.

you take your hands away from matt's face and turn to look at chris. "chris?"

he's completely zoned out on the wall, a blank expression on his face.

he moves his eyes towards you but keeps the same expression on his face. "i'll miss you, y/n."

more tears fall from your eyes and onto your cheeks. you hug him tightly, not ever wanting to let go.

see, you've always had a crush on chris. it started as this little itty bitty thing, nothing big or life altering. but recently, it's been hard to ignore. when you were told about the job, you were completely over the moon. but, your first thought was chris.

chris squeezes you in the hug, and you feel his shoulders shake with sobs.

"i promise, i'll come back. i won't forget you guys. you're my whole world. i'll send pictures, and texts. i'll facetime, i'll call. i promise, i'll never forget you." you pull out of the hug and put your hands on chris' jaw to hold it face, the way you used to as children.

you hear your alarm on your phone go off, signifying that it's time to go.

"i have to go. i love you guys, so so much. i'll be back in five months for christmas." you smile sadly, pulling the three of them in a hug. after a minute, you get back in your car and head down to the airport.

back inside, matt and nick are busy comforting chris.

"i'm sorry. i'm so, so sorry." nick says, hugging his youngest brother from behind.

"why does she have to go? i'm so in love with her, i need her. i need her." chris cries, squeezing nicks hand against his chest.

"i know hon, i know. if it makes you feel any better, she loves you too." nick soothes, but chris turns and gives nick a look.

"what do you mean she loves me too?"

"i mean, she's in love with you too. she told me a couple months ago." nick says, a bit taken aback by chris' hostility.

"and you didn't fucking tell me? god nick, ive been in love with this girl for months and you didn't think to tell me that she's also in love with me?" chris yells, standing up from his spot on the couch.

matt stands up, wrapping chris in a side hug. "calm down chris, he didn't mean any harm."

"fuck that! i cant fucking believe you!" he yells, throwing his hands in the air.

"chris, it's okay. she's going to paris. it's better if you don't tell her. that way you don't have to deal with distance. it always gets messy." matt soothes as nick backs up from chris.

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