Chapter Four

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She couldn't explain how she felt. She was glad that now Sparrow would leave her alone— At the same time, she really liked living in Leaf Tribe for many, many reasons.

Sparrow— probably the biggest pervert in probably all of the tribes —has never left her alone since he laid his eyes on her. Sometimes, Sayuri felt like Sparrow was watching her from the shadows.

Sayuri has developed a... fear for boys—especially royal ones. When Drought sauntered in to save her... Sayuri had thought that Drought was going to be perverted as well.

Sayuri really wanted to thank Drought, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Sparrow had clearly traumatized her. She had a small feeling that Sparrow would keep pushing.

How did her life become so terrible because of just one guy? Everything was so peaceful at first... She knew she couldn't have had the perfect life but how did things suddenly go downhill so quickly?

  Why did Sparrow have to target her out of all people? There were tons of other Leaf Tribe Villagers he could've targeted, but he chose her— Sayuri —out of all people.

She is forced to go with him. That's because of the Leaf Tribe's strict laws. She couldn't disobey the law... Sayuri couldn't bring herself to break the law. However, then, a self-centered man— who is over a decade older than her —suddenly gets a crush on her. This man could bend... or even change the law because, well, he is a prince.

  Sayuri shook her head, desperately, in attempt to rid the negative thoughts from clouding her mind.

Everything is fine now, right? Sayuri tried to reassure herself, but she couldn't even believe her own words.

No, everything is not fine. Sayuri ended up telling herself.

As her mind continued to play with her emotions, Sayuri's eyes played with her mind. Sparrow here, Sparrow there. It was almost as if Sparrow was everywhere.

Thought strode up to Sayuri. Her usual untamed anger seemed to have cooled, "Hey, how are you?"

"Sayuri?" Thought asked after a minute.

"Huh? Who's there?" Sayuri asked. She was finally talking.

Thought hopped on a rock so she'd be a bit more noticeable, "How are you?" She asked again.

"I'm good." Sayuri responded, but her tone wasn't convincing. "That pervert will have to leave me alone now."

Thought nodded, a stern face— more like her —spread across her, "I'll make sure of it. If he ever tries anything—" She was cut off by the loud sound of quarreling.

"What is the point of finding someone to stay with? There will be no one open to let in outcasts like us!" Someone yelled in a high-pitched tone.

Another, tall Leaf Tribe boy strode up, "Yeah— This has been my homeland since I was born. It would be stupid to leave!"

Sayuri recognized that voice— That voice was the voice of one of those bratty Leaf Tribe kids. She had forgotten his name.

Sayuri and Thought darted over to the two groups, and hid behind a large rock. Thought looked rather annoyed. The regular anger now settled on her face once again.

One group consisted of other former tribe villagers that Sayuri mostly didn't recognize, and the other group— which was much smaller than the first group —included Ji-ho, Drought, Edge, and Atlanta.

"There will be some villagers that are willing enough to take us in." Ji-ho stated firmly. Drought nodded from behind.

It took a few moments before the groups saw Sayuri and Thought simply just eavesdropping on them. The group she had gotten closer to, looked slightly betrayed. The other, that included the bratty Leaf Tribe boy, were quite mad.

"Hey, you two!" The Leaf Tribe Villager— whose name Sayuri had forgotten —called them.

He didn't give them a chance to reply. "Would you rather seek shelter from villagers— even if they are from different tribes. Would you rather just stay in the territory you was sent off to."

"I would honestly rather seek shelter from villagers." Sayuri mumbled awkwardly.

Her attention drifted away when her eye caught Atlanta as she tried to chose which group to go to. The lower ranked girl was smiling... Somehow.

Atlanta lifted her gaze, and waved to Sayuri. Sayuri swiftly turned away to face the former Leaf Tribe Villager. He had quite the angry look on his face. It made him look pig-like.

"Huh—? What? Why would you seek shelter from the villagers! Are you idiotic?! I thought even Leaf Tribe girls were smarter than this!" He scowled.

Sayuri, who was starting to feel a little bit scared and nervous, slowly backed away towards the smaller group. Thought, however, strode up to the tall boy. He was mountains taller than her. She had to tilt her head all the way up.

This didn't seem to affect her. Thought placed her hands on her hips, "This is your home? Look around!" She snapped, "Everything is dead."

He looked quite stunned by her outburst, "Well, we have a better chance of surviving out here than to turn ourselves in."

"Turn ourselves in?" Thought squawked, "You're even dumber than you look. I was apart of that group that helped people like us." She turned to stomp back.

"Now look where you are," He sneered.

Thought whipped around; her mouth open to shout back a retort. However, Edge gripped her by her shoulders. She shoved her towards her taller sister, and Rustic, who had suddenly appeared from the thick brush.

"Let's go," Edge huffed.

Ji-ho led the small group, of only eight, away from the large group. They'd probably starve there— There was nothing to grow, to eat, or to raise cattle in. They just had to hope that Thought was right. That there were good people who would take them in.


Hopefully this chapter is a little longer than the last one

Sorry for any grammar issues, when I'm editing this right now, it's really noisy and hard to think

Anyways, have a great day!



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