Chapter Thirty Three

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"Okay guys, let's go!" Thought grinned once everyone was out. She held Wisp's hand.

  Ji-ho was lost in his own thoughts for a moment. His biggest fear was death, and that's why he went out at the word, 'Slaughter.'

  Ji-ho shook his head at himself. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about fears. His thought was so... random.

  "So, where are we going?" Ji-ho asked the group. No one responded for a moment, then Atlanta opened her mouth.

  "Let's go to the far away mountains!" She suggested.

Thought nodded excitedly. "Yeah! Sounds great. We could meet up with Mo— one of my friends, and take down the rulers!"

"What? No!" Ji-ho shot Atlanta a glance. What kind of suggestion was that?

"We're not safe around Leaf Tribe." Sayuri murmured.

Drought nodded. "Yeah... not anywhere around here. I was thinking, maybe in Droplet Tribe?"

His eyes flickered to Thought. She stared at him, hard. She probably thought he was going to 'betray them all' again or something. Hopefully she didn't rant on again about that.

"There's this pond that I used to visit all the time when I was little. No one ever goes there. There's a forest beside it to hide us —If we ever do get caught— and gather food." He added.

"That sounds better than Atlanta's suggestion." Ji-ho grumbled.

Edge nodded. "I grabbed those cookies on our way out, too."

"Are they poisonous?" Thought asked with wide eyes.

Edge's light eyes shrunk to small lines. "No. You practically caused us to be in this situation. Did it ever cross your mind that we would need food?"

She opened her mouth, "I— I dunno,"

She smiled. "Good! Let's go."


"This way," Drought led them behind the houses, and away from the guards.

No one really questioned how he knew all of this. Prince-royalty-stuff.

The terrain became more swamp-like the farther they got from the small town. The village grew farther and farther away, until it seemed like you could lift it with your finger.

Water-loving plants slowly began to override the lushness of Leaf Tribe's thick nature. Many mosquitoes bussed around. It got a bit annoying at times.

They neared a pond. Not many mosquitoes bothered them anymore here. It was more peaceful and calm. Was this the place Drought talked about?

"Wow it's..." Atlanta's voice trailed off.

  "It's nice." Sayuri commented; not long after Atlanta.

Warm sunlight danced easily underneath the less-dense canopy of leaves. A few birds chirped a little farther off. A heron swooped down to catch a fish. The slimy creature struggled for a minute, before it laid still.

"Bleh— I'm tried," Edge whined. "Let's set up camp or something,"

It was early morning now. The sky was lit up with warm colors that reflected onto the pond. It drove out the darker colors. They hadn't slept at all during the night.

"When I was little, I was told a story about how dawn drove away the demons of the night, or something. I don't remember it that well," Drought murmured.

They yanked a couple branches, with wide leaves, off to build a few makeshift tipis. Drought said they would probably last them for a little while, and then would have to be fixed.

Everyone said goodnight to each other, and then headed off to bed.


Kinda tired, so not the best ending, sorry!

As every 32 other chapters, have an amazing rest of your day/ night!



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