Chapter Thirty Two

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Acacia fanned herself off. Aspen stood a little behind her. He looked frustrated, but not as much as his wife.

"I'm just so done with this." Acacia muttered to herself.

Then she turned to everyone else, and announced, "You all have been here way too long."

Neither of them even appreciated that Sayuri was back. Thought always knew there was something up with them... Never trust people like them.

"Wait... Done with what?" Rustic asked. He tilted his head to the side.

Wisp and Rustic came out of the hidden-library-thing. Thought bet that it was probably some sort of trap. She was really proud of herself for not trusting them.

"I'm just done with all of this!" She snapped, which made Rustic stumble backwards.

"All you guys do is sit here, and eat our food, while we do all of the work to protect you!" She added.

Edge turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that what you're supposed to do...? I mean, that's why we came and stayed here. Aspen said—"

"Oh, don't turn this on Aspen! He did nothing wrong!" She scowled.

Drought leaned over and whispered something to Edge. Thought couldn't make out all of it. It was something about not making them too upset.


That was stupid.

"I knew we couldn't trust them!" Thought exclaimed.

She scampered on top of a chair. Thought waved her hands around to not loose her balance. Once she was done with her little dance, she placed them onto her hips and stared around at everyone with a smirk.

'Get down Thought.' Ji-ho mouthed. He had his hands cupped around his mouth. Then he said his words out loud.

"Get down, Thought." Ji-ho scowled.

"Why?" She put her hands on her hips.

"These two suck!" Thought waved her hand to Aspen and Acacia. Mostly Acacia.

"What position?" Thought said quite loudly. "That we'll get kicked out?" She fake-pouted with the last sentence.

"They didn't even acknowledge Sayuri!" The small girl threw her hands up in the air.

She stumbled back, and almost fell in the process. Drought caught her and the chair as she fell. However, he pushed the chair back in so she couldn't stand in it. Also before Acacia could scream at her for it.

Thought climbed onto the tabled. She placed her hands on its rough surface, and pushed herself up with a huff. Again, she stood on it.

"Make me." She said in a baby-voice.

Edge face-palmed herself. She sighed quite loudly. Wisp just looked plain confused, while Rustic was watching some birds fly by.

The sun was already setting. No one could see them. She didn't see why it was a problem standing up here. She felt big and tall up there. Also, if they were going to be kicked out, now would be a great time to be.

Wait— It was already evening? Sayuri and Atlanta came back this afternoon... Time passed way too fast!

As if she read her mind, Edge said, "Thought please. You aren't tall. Please get down."

Thought audibly gasped. She then began to laugh, but hid it with her hand. No one seemed that amused. Not even her little sister.

Wisp nodded. "You'll get hurt!"

"Alright." Thought finally lowered herself. She wouldn't ignore Wisp.

"But—" Rustic looked at her with wide eyes.

"No 'buts'," She cut him off. "Go. Leave."

Acacia pointed to the door. Aspen's frustrated face turned apologetic for a moment. Then it snapped back. It hit Thought with sudden realization that, Aspen and Acacia had no children or grandchildren. He probably likes to have kids in the house...

'Bah! Shut up brain!' She hissed to herself, 'We can't trust these people!'

"Leave or we call the guards. We'll tell them that we caught some hybrids." Acacia made her statement more clear.

Several heartbeats passed. Everyone stayed quiet. Then, Thought opened her mouth to retort. This wasn't going as she planned.

She cut her off immediately. "They won't even question us!" Acacia cackled wildly, "Those freaks will just be happy to take you away and slaughter each and every last one of you!"

"Please, just let us stay for another night," Edge begged. She sent a sharp side-eye in Thought's direction.

Acacia shook her head. Pride seemed to radiate off her. Crazy... Inhuman being.

"Aspen?" She asked.

"No... Just— Just please leave. Go." He mumbled quickly. Acacia lightly slapped his arm. A part of Thought felt bad for him.

"Fine, fine." Ji-ho had already given in.

He walked out of the door, and turned around. He crossed his arms, and tapped his foot on the ground.

"Yeah! Let's go; I'm sick of this place!" Thought cheered. She dashed out of the doorway, and was practically jumping beside Ji-ho.

"Ooh, will we be able to explore the other areas? I've never seen them— Wow, I'm excited!" Atlanta smiled as she dragged Sayuri out of the door.

Edge sighed. She stared at Ji-ho for a good minute, and then followed him out. Edge glared at Thought as she went.

Drought seemed more out of it. He must've been planning something.

"Come on, Drought," Edge huffed. She grabbed his arm, and led him out.

Drought still seemed out of it. He just patted Edge's head. Then he went back to staring off at his boots.

'Those two have gotten closer..' Thought thought as a wave of jealousy hit her. Again, she wondered about Moose and her and Wisp's other siblings.

"Come on, Wisp," Thought bent a little lower, although that was stupid.

Thought smiled softly. Wisp stumbled to her, but then went back to grab Rustic's hand. She had to pull him like Atlanta pulled Sayuri away.

Rustic blinked at Aspen. "Bye..." He mumbled and gave a small wave. Wisp did the same.

"Bye," Aspen whispered. He gave a small wave of his own.


Welp, they left because we dunno what to do with them there anymore!

Hope this chapter was enjoyable <3

As always, have an amazing rest of your day/ night!!

-Ech o

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