forty one

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"... we found the Bae's mansion's location."

"You what!?" Minho let out, more like shrieked, in sheer excitement and slight astonishment in his voice. Taehyung on the other line winced at his loud voice and complained, "Will you be quiet? And yes, we found the location. Come to the station, quick."

"Yeah yeah, I'll be there in a few hours." He said in a nonchalant way as he went to grab a shirt for himself.

"Good, be here as soon as possible because I'm too excited to find them and beat the shit out of them."

"I don't think you should do that until getting them to the police station but okay, I want to too."

"Argh, yeah. Now come, quick."

"Mhm, you said that already." Minho deadpanned, raising his eyebrows even though Taehyung could not see them. The male on the other line sighed and replied, "Yeah, just- don't waste neither your or my time and come quick."

And then, he hung up.

Minho sighed for the nth time that day, and it wasn't even afternoon yet! He put the shirt, which he had chosen a few minutes ago, on and went to fetch his keys. He had clearly forgotten about his headache, truth be told.

He brushed his hair a little bit with his fingers, by running them softly through his hair continuously. When he felt like his hair had gotten a little less messy, he nodded to himself and started to open the main door.

When he was, Doongie came up and clung on to his right foot, twirling around it a few times and rubbing her tiny head on to his ankle.

Minho noticed it, obviously. He looked down at his cat and slightly smiled, bending down to pick her up and kiss her on the head. When he did kiss her, she rubbed her head on to his right cheek and boy, did he melt down completely on the spot.

"Doongie, you don't have the authority to be this cute this early," he kind of whined to the cat, who just stared at him and let a small meow out. "I won't be able go to work if you stare at me like that. So cute!~"

He rubbed his head on to the cat's tummy, which made her yowl in delight. He raised his head after a while, chuckling when the cat was trying very hard to get out of his hold.

"Come on, you're so naughty," he placed Doongie down on the floor, giving her the chance to run away to her big brother and small sister. "And... off you go." The male sighed, chuckling afterwards at how his cat ran.

Minho opened the door and went out, waiting for the elevator to come. When the doors opened and the oddly melodious tune played, the male made his way into the elevator and leaned against the metal wall after clicking the '-1' button, seeing it glow into a neon orange color.

He pushed himself up straight and walked out of the small metal body when the doors of the elevator opened to the basement. The male walked to his motorbike and got it off its stand, getting on it before turning the engine on and zooming out of the basement.

Usually, the road is filled with traffic at that time of the day. But today, for Minho's luck, there were little to no cars on the road. The male felt so glad that this happened to him right now.

If it would not have, he would have straight up died in the middle of some road just because of his sharp and paining headache.

The male had reached the station in just a span of two hours, which he felt oh so glad for. He got off his car, after parking it, and walked into the station, seeing Taehyung talking with Jimin at the front table with Jeonghun standing besides the two males silently.

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