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The birds were tweeting outside the window as daylight crept through a crack in the curtains, and for the first time in as long as he could remember Alfie had no desire to get his hand gun out of the bedside table and shoot the blasted rodents with wings for waking him up. For once he was glad to be awake because he wanted to spend the entire day staring down at the beautiful woman in his arms. His fingers lightly traced the freckles on her scrunched up nose and he chuckled to himself when she batted his hand away in her sleep.

"Piss off, Finn," she muttered, frowning in annoyance.

"Fuckin' hell, one night in bed together and she's already callin' out other men's names," Alfie snorted, grinning when Niamh cracked open an eye and pouted.

"What time is it?" she croaked.

"About half six," he answered, smiling down at her softly; an expression he didn't even know he possessed until last night.

"Why the hell are you awake?" she groaned, grabbing a pillow and covering her face with it.

"Oh, is somebody not a mornin' person?" Alfie smirked, earning him a middle finger in return. "An' not a very ladylike one either."

The covers had slipped slightly when Niamh shoved the pillow over her face and Alfie's eyes fell upon her full round breasts with blush pink nipples that strained in the cold morning air. His cock hardened as he remembered the feel of them against his chest when they had finally consummated their marriage the night before, and the way they had tasted in his mouth. He closed his eyes and groaned to himself as he thought about the sweet little sounds she had made when he had given her her first ever orgasm.

"What's wrong?" she peered out at him in concern.

"Nothin'," he cleared his throat, hoping she wouldn't notice the way the sheet was tenting around his crotch.

"You sounded like you were in pain."

"Nah, I'm fine," he ran a hand across his mouth, swallowing as he tried his best not to stare at her semi naked body and failing miserably.

Niamh frowned, following his gaze and blushing furiously when she realised the quilt had slipped. Somehow, last night when his hands and his mouth had been all over her she had felt nothing but rapturous pleasure but in the light of day she felt embarrassed; ashamed almost. Perhaps she should have gone back to her own room afterwards but his arms around hers as her head lay upon his chest had felt so right that when their eyes flickered closed, she hadn't even tried to fight it.

"Sorry," she grimaced, pulling the quilt back up hurriedly and sitting up.

"No I'm sorry for makin' you feel uncomfortable leerin' at you like that," Alfie apologised genuinely.

"You were hardly leering," she gave a small awkward smile, glancing around the room in search for her dressing gown. "And I literally had it all out on show so it wasn't really your fault."

"True," Alfie chuckled. "But you don't have to feel ashamed of your nakedness around me, Niamh. After last night it's not like I aint seen it all and touched it all."

"I know," she looked down, blushing even more. "But I suppose it's different in the light of day, isn't it? Like in the dark it didn't seem as... well, I don't know. It just seemed easier because you couldn't really see me properly and I just... I have lumps and bumps and scars and I suppose I'm not what you would describe as perfect."

And I'm scared that you'll regret what happened between us, was what she wanted to say. What if it didn't mean as much to you as it did to me?

"And thank God for that," Alfie lifted her face by the chin. "People what are perfect on the outside are just hidin' their faults on the inside, and as for the things you deem as imperfect, trust me when I say I don't see them that way. I think you're beautiful the way you are and the reason I couldn't take my eyes off of you just then was because all I could think about was last night and how good it felt."

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