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A/N: Ok, so I've been writing imagines and just adding them in as bonus chapters. To anyone reading, are you ok with that or do you think I'd be better to make a new 'work' of just Alfie and Niamh imagines and move them all there?

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence today then, Thomas?" Alfie swanned into the living room where Niamh was sitting with little Benjamin on her knee, cradling his chubby face in her hand while her other hand rubbed up and down his back in an effort to bring up some wind.

The poor little blighter was suffering with colic something terrible, and as much as Alfie hated the lack of sleep it was bringing to them all, the thing he hated even more was his three month old being in such discomfort and being unable to do anything about it.

Dropping a kiss on Niamh's lips as she lifted her face in a tired smile, Alfie reached down and took Benjamin from her arms and held him over his shoulder to take over with the winding duties, grinning when the baby burped almost instantly.

"Don't look so fucking smug," Niamh sneered at him playfully. "I've done all the hard work for the last fifteen minutes, you just got all the glory. And a load of sick down your back."

"Proper nasty little streak in your sister when she's envious," Alfie smirked at Tommy, moving swiftly out of the way when Niamh made a move to punch him in the stomach, and then sitting down on the armchair by the window so Benjamin could see out of it until his little lids would droop and he'd fall asleep.

"Oh, I know," Tommy agreed. "She was worse as a kid. Hated when she didn't get her own way or when someone got the better of her. Actually bit Johnny Dogs once because he let Ada get on his new horse before her."

"I bit him because he told me to stop being a brat," Niamh muttered. "And if he wanted me to call me a brat then I was really going to show him what a brat looked like."

"By proving the point that you were in fact a brat?" Alfie frowned, turning his head slightly to look at Benjamin who was holding up his head and gazing up at the blue sky out of the window. "Your mum's not only a brat, mate, but she's a bit thick as well. Good job you've got both my looks and my brains, eh?"

"He'll have your gravestone to visit too if you carry on," Niamh glared at him.

"Oh I'm quaking in me fucking boots," Alfie grinned.

"She's far too close to Esme and her bloody lotions and potions," Tommy commented, his eyes flickering between the pair with amusement. "She could kill you and make it look like an accident."

"Yeah but she wouldn't 'cause I doubt her next husband would catch all the spiders what I do for her," Alfie's eyes were full of nothing but love as they twinkled playfully at his wife.

"Damn, you're right," she scoffed, standing up with a soft smile. "Guess I'm stuck with you then. And I guess you're stuck on your own with Tommy because I'm going upstairs for a bath and then a nap while that little sleep depriver is finally asleep."

"Oh that's nice, aint it, Tommy? Come to see your sister and she buggers off to bed," Alfie teased. "Fucking awful she is. Still can't believe I let you lumber me with her."

Niamh's only answer was to blow him a kiss and then stick up her middle finger as she walked out of the room, leaving Tommy grinning widely and Alfie chuckling to himself.

"Well that saved me a job having to try and get rid of her," Tommy said once Niamh had stomped loudly up the stairs. "Now she's gone I can get down to why I'm actually here."

"I had a feeling this weren't just a social visit," Alfie murmured. "Spit it out then, mate, 'cause I don't mean to give you all the gory details about me and your sister, but I wanna jump in that bath with her while this one's asleep if you get my drift."

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