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Alfie had gone into the bakery to prepare some paperwork that Tommy was coming down to sign that morning and Ishmael would be picking Niamh up in a few hours, so that she could meet Tommy and Alfie at a restaurant for lunch. Niamh was so excited to see her brother. She had been speaking to her family most days but it wasn't the same as actually seeing one of them in real life. She chuckled to herself because even just a week or two ago she still felt some animosity towards Tommy for putting her on this path in life, but now she was going to have to stop herself from thanking him for it. There was no way she would give him that satisfaction, but truly with the way things were going with Alfie, she felt like Tommy had been guided by higher beings to bring Alfie into her life, so how could she be mad about it any longer?

But then a thought of horror crossed her mind and she gasped. What if Tommy saw her today and somehow knew that she and Alfie had made love? Twice, in fact. She was being stupid; of course she was. First of all, it was not as though a sign had appeared on her forehead declaring that she was no longer and a virgin; and secondly, even if Tommy did know, what was the issue? She and Alfie were married for crying out loud. It was literally expected.

Groaning to herself, Niamh knew she was being ridiculous and probably somewhat immature, and it was at times like this she wished she was more experienced when it came to life. She wished at times like this she could be more like Ada. Ada who didn't give a damn about anything and took what she wanted and what made her happy without worrying what anyone else thought. Niamh decided that even if she couldn't be like Ada then at least she could phone her and talk to her for advice. Picking up the phone, she dialled the number from memory, her foot bobbing up and down as she waited to be connected.


"Is that how you were taught to answer the phone, Joseph Shelby?"

"Aunty Niamh? That you?" asked John's eldest son.

"No it's the Queen of Camden," Niamh tutted. "Course it's me you divvy. Why aren't you at school?"

"Told dad I felt sick so he said I could stay off," Joseph answered proudly. "Uncle Arthur taught me to put a hot towel on my bed before mum came to take my temperature and it worked! But mum and dad have gone out so aunty Ada's looking after me."

"I know you were lying, you little shit," Niamh heard Ada say incredulously from somewhere in the background. "Get upstairs to bed now or I'll send you into school."

"It's nearly lunchtime," Joseph answered smartly.

"I don't care," Ada was firm.

Niamh grinned to herself as she pictured Ada's scowl and raised eyebrow; the look she always gave when she was displeased with someone; usually mostly Tommy, and she just knew Joseph was on the receiving end of that very look. Really he was lucky Esme was away with John otherwise he would have received more than a look. There was a bit of shuffling and what sounded like foot stamping and then Ada grabbed the phone.

"I wondered when you were going to phone."

"It's only been three days since I last phoned," Niamh chuckled. "And it's not my fault that the last two times I've phoned you've been out."

"Well that's a few days too many," Ada answered curtly. "I need all of that wonderful Camden gossip."

"Oh yeah because there's so much of it," Niamh snorted. "I mean in between sitting in the house reading most of the day, there's the occasional fight that needs breaking up between two finches in the garden. Oh and yesterday and saw a rat as big as Arthur's foot when I took Cyril for a walk."

"See what I mean?" Ada laughed. "The excitement is too much to bear. I wonder what it'll be next? Old ladies scrapping in the street over their shopping? Cats attacking you when you put out the rubbish?"

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