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A/N: This is a previously posted imagine but I decided it'd go better here as a sort of bonus chapter (and potentially there might be more in the future if I get any ideas)

Alfie wouldn't have thought that the grand old age of thirty six was actually old. But with each day that passed, bringing with it another ache and pain, he was truly starting to feel ancient. His head was pounding due to all of the paperwork he had to get through, and he really did wonder sometimes why he even bothered having an assistant if it was all left to him to double and triple check. His sciatica was playing up even with the unusually hot weather of late, and his hands were hurting him something chronic. Bloody arthritis. It was something he thought only old people got, which again just led him to believe that he was actually becoming one of them.

He looked up and growled something under his breath at the door when there was a knock upon it, feeling far too tired to even be bothered shouting at whoever was there but able to at least manage a scowl that would hopefully put the shits up whoever was there.

"Oh, hello love."

Alfie's face softened the moment he saw Niamh standing there in the doorway. It was funny how the aches of just a few moments ago seemed to dull somewhat when his eyes took in her beautiful face and the love that was written across it and aimed in his direction.

"What you doing here?" he made a move to stand up but she waved him off and hurried to the desk to greet him with a kiss on his cheek, before plonking herself down in front of him, her legs either side of his hips on the chair.

"I just wanted to come and see my lovely husband," she answered with a shrug, picking up a piece of paper from the desk and glancing down at it when she recognised her brother's writing.

"Hey, that's confidential," Alfie frowned, but he didn't try to take the paper from her.

Instead his hands found themselves on her calves, bare of stockings because it was far too fucking hot for them, and they wandered up her legs leisurely, a smirk twitching at his bearded mouth when he saw Niamh bite her bottom lip and furrow her brow in an attempt to pretend she was really taking in the writing that she was actually holding upside down. Reaching the tops of her thighs, Alfie's hands moved to grab at her hips when he came to a sudden halt and blinked. Lifting up the skirt of her dress slightly and leaning down to peer beneath it, he sat upright, hands once again back on her thighs, squeezing slightly, and grinned.

"Now I know it's hot love so I completely understand the lack of stockings but I aint sure if you realise you've forgotten your fucking knickers and all."

"Oh I wondered why Ishmael almost had a fit when my skirt blew up in the wind outside," Niamh muttered, her innocent facade crumbling into a cackle at the rage that flashed across Alfie's face. "I'm joking, Alfie. I know I'm not wearing knickers. I just figured that every time I end up here you only tear them to pieces anyway and so I'm starting to run short. Thought I'd save myself some money; well you, seeing as you're the one that pays for them."

"That right?" Alfie narrowed his eyes, running a hand across his mouth, stroking at his beard while his other hand pushed itself in between her closed thighs, drawing a line up her soaking wet slit with a finger. "Very fucking presumptuous of you to come in here when I'm busy working and thinking that I wanna waste my valuable time doing whatever it is you're thinking about doing."

"And it's very fucking presumptuous of you to think I came here for anything other than to cheer you up. It's you who can never keep his hands to himself. Or his cock."

"Oh you're gonna cheer me up alright, love," Alfie scoffed, sliding two fingers inside of her without warning and grabbing her by the throat. His nose was against her cheek, his full lips lightly grazing her flushed skin while his fingers curled up inside of her, right against that spongy spot that made her mouth part and a breathy moan pour out. He added his thumb, pressing it to her clit, and moved his digits in perfect synchronicity, his hand gripping her throat harder, squeezing and adding just enough pressure to make it difficult to catch her breath. "Coming in here with no fucking knickers on. Sitting alone in a car with another man with no fucking knickers on. Walking through my bakery, full of men who pretend they don't wish they could have a turn with you, with no fucking knickers on. You're a very naughty girl, Mrs Solomons, and do you know what I do to naughty girls? I punish them, don't I?" His fingers stopped moving and his eyes met hers, the dark lustfulness in them making her even more aroused. Loosening his grip on her neck ever so slightly, his fingers stopped moving just as he knew she was close to her release. "So what have you got to say for yourself, hm?"

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