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"What the fuck is she doing here?"

The room was laced with tension and Niamh grimaced to herself at Polly's vicious words. Tommy, as expected, barely reacted and simply just eyed Polly with a cool indifference that only sought to aggravate her further.

"I called you all for this family meeting," he cleared his throat, smirking ever so slightly when he looked at Alfie, no doubt finding it as amusing as his former nemesis that they were now referring to one another in such a manner. "Because I have some news for you all, and that news is to do with Grace and I."

"Is it anything to do with that baby inside of her belly by any fucking chance?" Polly hissed, shaking her head in disgust as she eyed Grace's stomach which, despite her attempt at deceiving it with a loose fitting dress, was clearly rounded.

"Thomas and I are having a baby," Grace smirked, fluttering her eyelashes at Tommy demurely and placing a hand on his arm in such a way that it revealed the huge ring on her finger. "And we're getting married."

Silence radiated around the room, interspersed solely by the rhythmic thud of Ada's foot as she tapped it awkwardly up and down on the floor. Polly didn't even attempt to hide just what she thought of Grace's announcement, not even when Arthur stood up and politely kissed Grace on the cheek before hugging Tommy and offering his congratulations to the two of them.

"Oh sit the fuck down, Arthur," Polly spat, stubbing out her cigarette in the ashtray and running her hand over her face wearily. "You could have anyone you want, Thomas; anyone. Why her? She might have plied you with sweet words and come to bed eyes but I haven't forgotten that she's nothing but a copper's nark and she's not wanted in this family. I suppose now her husband's suicide makes sense. Although I'm wondering if really topped himself or if one of you two gave the man a helping hand."

Niamh cast a side eyed glance to her husband who was watching the scene before him with complete fascination. He had heard about this Grace woman before; been mildly amused by the fact that Tommy Shelby had been played for a fool by an undercover agent, but he hadn't realised that she was back on the scene. And apparently neither had anyone else. Alfie had to admit to himself that for all he had been dreading this little trip to Small Heath, he was actually really rather enjoying the opportunity to watch the family dynamic and learn about who played what sort of role in the family.

"She is wanted," Tommy answered, his jaw clenched slightly as he inhaled deeply on his cigarette. "And she will be part of this family, Pol, whether you or anyone else likes it or not."

"Well I don't like it. Not one fucking bit," Polly glared at Tommy and then at Grace, who clearly enjoyed the reaction she was getting from the Shelby matriarch and could just about conceal the delight in her face. "It's bad enough we've got him..." she pointed at Alfie who offered no outward reaction aside from squeezing Niamh's thigh reassuringly when she opened her mouth to defend him. "...Sitting in on family meetings like he's one of us but now you want her to be part of it too. You really have lost your fucking mind. Then again, you're a man, and all men think with their cocks. Especially if there's a pretty whore willing to get on her knees and suck it for free."

"You're clearly in shock," Tommy murmured. "Which is why I'll let your obvious upset slide for the moment. But just so you know, Pol, I'm the head of this fucking family and what I say goes. Alright?"

Polly said nothing. The anger in her overwhelming the room like thick black tar and suffocating everyone inside of it. Walking slowly towards the happy couple, Polly came to a stop, her face twitching with rage, and everyone waited with baited breath for what was to come next. Without a word, she spat at Tommy's feet and then left.

"Anyone else got anything to say?" Tommy asked, his jaw clenched.

"Ada? John? Esme?"

They all shook their heads. It seemed that Polly had spoken for everyone.

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