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Alfie didn't like to feel out of his comfort zone, and currently being driven through the streets of Small Heath that was most definitely how he felt. Niamh was completely oblivious to his unease as she excitedly pointed out people and places she knew. Upon receiving a summons from Tommy a few days before, Niamh had been giddy with excitement to return home and to show Alfie her old stomping ground. In fact, Niamh was the only reason he hadn't told Tommy to fuck off with his demand that they visit for an important family meeting. She had been the one to answer the telephone and as soon as she slammed the receiver down, she had been upstairs packing her bag and telling Alfie all about the places she would show him. He hadn't had the heart to say no, which was why he was now half heartedly watching Niamh point out all of the different sights on the way to Watery Lane. He had no fucking interest in any of it, but he loved seeing her face light up animatedly. Also, he supposed the opportunity to wind up her brothers was a prospect that excited him as well. Especially John; he was even easier to wind up than Arthur.

"...And down that alleyway is where I had my first kiss with Pete Basildon when I was eleven."

That caught his attention and he scowled, causing Niamh to grin and kiss his cheek loudly.

"Don't worry, I didn't enjoy it, not even a bit. It was all slobbery and our teeth clashed together and Arthur caught us, chased Pete away and then smacked me so hard I couldn't sit down for two days," she chuckled.

"If we come across this Pete fella durin' our visit, I reckon I might need to be havin' a little word with him," Alfie narrowed his eyes playfully. "My fists can tell him just what I think about him touchin' my wife.."

"Are you jealous, Alfie?" Niamh's impish smirk told him that she was enjoying his envy far too much. She nuzzled his neck with a throaty laugh, nipped at skin until he erupted into goosebumps and then suckled at his earlobe until he groaned. Her hand touched his thigh, just a little too high up for it to be proper and Alfie turned his face so he could kiss her languidly, only pulling away when they went over a pothole in the road and were jolted almost out of their seats.

"You," he pointed a finger in her face, his eyes glistening playfully. "Are a naughty madam and I intend to punish you for it later."

"Promises, promises," she winked. "Oh, we're here! We're here!"

"Great," Alfie rolled his eyes. "Now the fun can really begin."

"I'll make this trip worth your while, don't worry," Niamh murmured in his ear, kissing his cheek again briefly and then jumping out of the car before Ishmael had even switched off the ignition.

Niamh was positively beaming as she waved to the few neighbours loitering on the street and when the front door opened, she let out a sort of giddy cry as she ran and threw herself at Arthur.

"By God I've missed you, girl," Arthur grinned, catching Niamh as she jumped up to kiss his cheek and he picked her up as though she weighed nothing. "It's not been the same around here with you."

"It's been a hell of a lot quieter though."

"Aunt Pol!" Niamh giggled, standing still when Polly held her at arm's length in order to look into her face. Her ever shrewd eyes searched Niamh's until she eventually smiled and pulled her in for a cuddle.

"You look happy, love," Polly murmured.

"I am, Pol. And even happier now I'm here with you lot."

"Aunty Niamh!" came excited voices from inside the house, and she ran in hurriedly to be accosted by her nieces and nephews.

"Don't worry about me, love," Alfie muttered sarcastically. "I'll just see myself in, shall I?"

Polly's face was pinched and her eyes narrowed as they followed Alfie's slow footsteps from the car to the front door. Her arms were folded across her chest and her lips were pursed as though she was ready to berate him, and Alfie found himself amused that she showed no fear of him whatsoever. Tommy might have been the head of the Shelby clan but there was no doubt in Alfie's mind that Polly was the one who actually kept the unruly bunch in line.

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