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Alfie was in his study sorting out some paperwork when Niamh let out the most blood curdling scream ever heard in the entirety of mankind. Taking the stairs two at a time, Alfie burst through the bedroom door expecting to find his wife half dead but when he saw her stood on the bed clutching a bath towel around her body with a look of sheer horror on her face he frowned.

"What the hell are you screechin' like a bloody banshee for?"

"I was sitting at the dressing table doing my hair and the biggest ever spider just crawled across my foot," Niamh answered.

"A spider?" Alfie scoffed. "I thought you was bein' murdered woman."

"It wasn't just a spider," Niamh pouted. "It was huge and it was all hairy and just bleurgh... It's right under the dressing table now just staring at me."

Alfie shook his head and tutted; bloody women and their bloody dramatics over little insects. He pulled the little stool out of the way and crouched down to find the little critter that was causing so much fuss, and he was actually a little taken aback to find that it was really rather huge. Not that he would tell Niamh so. Scooping it up in his hands, Niamh squealed when he walked past the bed and towards the window.

"Sure you don't wanna say hello," he pushed his hands towards her face, making her scramble back on the bed as far as she could.

Alfie guffawed loudly, getting the reaction he hoped for, and once he had released the eight legged monster he reached over to grab Niamh by the ankles and drag her down the bed towards him.

"You... are a nutter," he grinned, placing his hands either side of her face and lightly resting his body against hers. "And how is it you had no problem pickin' up that mouse in the garden the other day but you're afraid of a little spider?"

"Ok, it wasn't little and you know it," Niamh narrowed her eyes at him, trying to ignore how good he smelled and how warm he felt on top of her. "And if you really want to know why I'm afraid of spiders then you can blame John. When we were kids, I accidentally broke one of his toys and when I was asleep that night he sneaked into mine and Ada's bedroom and threw a cup of spiders he'd collected all over me."

"I'd say I was shocked but considerin' your brother- in fact all your brothers- are fuckin' animals it aint really surprisin'," Alfie smirked.

"Hey," Niamh scowled, punching him in the chest. "That's not very nice."

"Oh I'm sorry," he murmured, brushing his lips over hers as one of his hands reached for the towel covering her. "I think this needs to come off."

"Ha, not a chance. The only reason this is coming off is so that I can get dressed."

"That aint very nice, is it?" Alfie tutted. "'Specially not after I just rescued you from that giant spider."

"It was hardly giant," Niamh smirked. "Now get off me you great big oaf so I can get dressed."

Alfie's eyes watched her for a moment, narrowing them slightly and trying to decide what to do when he scrunched up his nose and shook his head. Niamh screeched when he yanked the towel off without warning and threw it behind him before his mouth descended on hers. They both knew she wasn't going to resist and when her hands snaked up into his hair, Alfie grinned against her lips.

He loved that he was always able to get his own way with her. There really were perks to being married to someone beautiful like his wife was.

... ... ...

"Stop fiddlin' with your hair," Alfie tutted, pulling Niamh's hand down gently and keeping hold of it.

"I look a mess," Niamh huffed. "And it's all your bloody fault because I didn't have time to do my hair properly."

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