Chapter 14

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It's almost been a year since I've broken up with Lauren, and Liam and I have officially been together for six months. I, technically, still live with my parents, but I stay at Liam's 2- story condo most days. Rather than get my own apartment, I'm thinking about moving in with him. My parents like him a lot. They didn't become attached to him as quickly and strongly as they did with Lauren, but they definitely approved of him.

It was a Saturday morning, and Liam and I were sleeping in late at his place until we were rudely awakened by loud music outside. Liam was the first to get out of bed and look out the window to see who it was. "Normani, come here."

I was really grumpy about having my sleep interrupted. "What is it?"

"There's some chick standing outside holding up a radio. It's just like that scene out of that 80s movie. What's the name?"

"Say Anything?" I responded.

"Yeah, I think that's it...with John Cusack. She's even playing that Peter Gabriel song."

I just had to see this, so I made myself get out of bed and walked up to the window. Got dammit mother fucker. The ghost from Christmas past is back.

"She's staring right at us," Liam observed. "I've never seen her before. Do you know her?"

"No," I lied.

"Normani!" Lauren yelled as soon as she spotted me in the window.

"Are you sure you don't know her?" Liam had a smirk on his face. He thought this was funny, but he had no idea what this woman is capable of.

I sighed, "Let me go outside to shut her up before your neighbors start complaining."

I put on my robe and dragged myself down the steps. When Lauren saw me open up the door, she placed her radio on the ground and turned it off. Thank God. "Lauren, what are you doing?"

"I'm getting my woman back," she announced.

"How did you even find us? How did you find out who I'm dating?"

"I hired a private investigator," she disclosed.

I walked out of the condo and shut the door behind me. I got closer to her so that everyone couldn't hear our business. "What the hell? You hired someone to spy on us?"

"No need to worry. He's a former detective and licensed professional," added Lauren.

"Don't start this crazy, stalker shit again. I'm happy. How come you just can't let me be?"

"I know you'll be happier with me," claimed Lauren. She pulled a box out of her pocket and got down on one knee.

"Oh, no you don't. Get up," I commanded. She quickly stood back up.

"Mani, hear me out. I was just signed by Sony."

I interrupted her, "What about school?"

"They're going to let me record in Houston while I'm finishing up my last year. But, what I wanted to tell you is that they gave me a $100,000 advance. I'm also writing songs for other people. I can finally take care of you," she explained.

"You can't buy love. Trying to buy my love is how we got here. And, how many times do I have to tell you? I don't need you to take care of me. I make good money in my career. And, if I really needed someone to take care of me, Liam is more than capable," I notified her.

"Is that him?" She pointed to someone behind me. I turned around to see Liam staring at us confused about what was going on.

"Yes," I answered.

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