Karma: Three

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Izuku laid in bed under his sheets sleeping peacefully with a very light snore. That was until his phone woke him up, it was ringing non stop and he tried to ignore it because he didn't feel like waking up.

But in the end he picked it up and answered when he saw hari's name.



"Wait what? Hari whats wrong?"


"Oh...did he reject you?"

"Worse! I was talking to him and brought up the fact I want to take our talking stage to the next level, only for him to say he can't!"

"He said he can't be dating me because he has a girl! A GIRL"

"Oh shit, wait did he say how long he's been with her?"

"YES! He's been with her this whole time! I was practically his side hoe! Izuku I'm gonna kill myself i don't want to see him anymore"

"Hari...why are you even awake at this time?"

"Is that really all you care about right now?"


"Fuck i can't believe this...I really thought we were good for each other, watch im gonna find that bitch and drag her ass for taking MY man"

"Hari you should be mad at him not her"

"I am! I'm mad at both"

"Just go to sleep, we can talk more about it at school"

"I'm not going"


Izuku's Pov
Oh he was serious...
I sighed as I took my seat in class, the day we have partner work Hari doesn't show up, and he's my only friend I got in this school.

I rested my chin on my hand pouting my lips as I watched everyone else get into groups and partners. "Izuku you're working alone?" The teacher asked. I gave him a nodded in response and he crossed his arms scanning the room "Touya, perfect timing take a seat next to Izuku, you two shall work together"

My face scrunched up as I watched Dabi walk over to my desk. Great now I'm working with my best friends failed talking stage, jeez Hari why didn't you just show up?

I scooted my seat away from Dabi who laughed "aye I don't got no cooties why you moving away from me?" He says as he moves his seat closer to me. "I'm not, I was just fixing myself"

"Hari told you huh" I glanced over at him and back to the board where he scoffed. "Bitch" "excuse me?" "It ain't my fault your friend tried getting at me, he knew I wasn't single" "shut up he did not know, you were the one being a little
Hoe playing him like that making him cry shitless"

Dabi snickered as he looked at me shocked "he was crying??? No way, desperate as bitch" I stood up smacking him across the face. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class room, what a hoe I don't see what Hari saw in a bitch like him.

 I grabbed my bag and walked out of the class room, what a hoe I don't see what Hari saw in a bitch like him

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