Karma: Twenty Nine

431 15 2

Hari stood by the coach's side as everyone else entered the bus, he was in charge of keeping count of each student that entered but he was missing one person, Izuku.

"What? What do you mean he didn't come? He's our best runner! And he never misses a race" "I know, I tried calling him but he never answered me or responded to any of my texts" "damn...we're just gonna have to go without him"

"Im here"

"OH-girl...." "What?"

Hari stared at Izuku with an awkward smile, "uh...nothing did you sleep at all?" "No? Move I need to get in" "okay...well looks like he's here sir"

Izuku's Pov
I stayed quiet the whole ride, I didn't have much to say either way. Once the bus stopped I started grabbing my things, the coach had scold me for not being dressed saying it made the team look bad and 'unprofessional'.

So I made my way to the bathroom just to change into my jersey. As I was changing Hari had walked in, he looked at me as he leaned onto the wall "so? You're gonna tell me what's wrong?" He said. "I'm fine" "Izuku, we've been friends since we were literally in diapers, I know when you're lying and I know when you're not okay, just tell me Izuku. You know you can always talk to me"

I looked at him as my lips trembled "Tomura broke up with me" I say as I started to cry. Hari walked over to me hugging me tight as I cried "oh my god....I'm so sorry Izuku..." "I-I don't even know why all he said is that he felt like it wouldn't work out" "I couldn't sleep, I kept crying Hari I loved him.."

"It's gonna be okay Izuku, right now forget about him, there's no reason for you to have him on your mind, today is you big special day and you will not let him ruin that for you okay?" He said as he pulled away. I wiped my tears away as I nodded "good, come on we have a race to be at, and I'll be there by your side to cheer you on" he said with a smile.

After getting myself together I started making my way to the track. Everything was going smoothly, the team was taking most of the wins which was good and as Hari said the day before he was taking pictures of us.

"Oh girl! You look good in this picture!" He said showing  me his camera, I looked at the photo of me jumping over the bar when I was doing pole vault "oh...delete that" "girl no, this is going on the yearbook" "oh my god" "izuku! Start checking in the 400 meter run is about to start" the coach said.

I nodded and made my way to the tent letting the woman know I was apart of the race. "Hm...Izuku Midoriya?" "That's me" "alright you're in heat 1 lane 3" "thank you" I say before walking away. "Good to see you again" I looked at my right and saw Kai "oh, I didn't think we'd race again so soon" "Well, I am a pretty good runner for the 400" he says making me smile.

"So am I, you ready?" I ask as I get into position "of course I am, I've been looking forward to race you again after the last one, this time I will beat you"  he said with a smirk "we'll see"

"On your  mark, get set...."

The gunshot fired out and immediately I took off giving it my best. Me and Kai were close very close and I could tell he was putting in a lot of effort. I felt good after hitting the 200 meter, it was easy so far but just as I was about to hit the second curve my eyes met his.

Tomura....why is he here?

My legs started to slow down as everyone else kept sprinting, I stood still looking at him as I felt a pain in my chest. "IZUKU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" "Izuku! Come on! You can still win this!" Hari shouted.

Everyone was calling my name out, but I didn't listen. I continued to look at him until I walked away leaving the track with an unfinished race and for once in my life I lost, I lost a race.

I could hear Hari shouting and arguing with Tomura but I didn't bother going over to them, I hid behind the bleachers as I let the tears fall. I wasn't sure what I was more mad at, the fact he was here or the fact I lost.

"Hey...you okay?"

you okay?"

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